I wish Matt Gaetz would have shared the statistics. Why do we pretend that the #BLM premise that black men being hunted down by police is legitimate when a black man is 18 times more likely to kill a police officer than he is likely to be killed by one. Why are facts racist?
Black men kill almost 10 times more whites people than whites kill blacks.
7000 black people were killed last year by other black people. 9 unarmed blacks were killed by police. 25 unarmed whites were killed by police.
Blacks at 6% of the population commit 50% of the crime
So my question is; why is the entire country having debates & passing legislation based on the 100% false premise?
It’s like the emperor is butt naked & the whole country is having a debate/discussion about what shade of purple his shirt is are. It’s crazy!
The systematic intimidation & demoralization of the American people by the Marxist left has gone so far to the point that people are now so afraid to even utter objective truths. The whole country is going along with a false reality.. it makes me really really sad for our country
Everyone knows all this has nothing to black lives but has everything to do with the left using black people’s plight as cover for their Cultural/Marxist revolution to overthrow America as founded.. how many black lives have the destroyed burning down black communities??
Sorry I have to vent. I’m sick of gaslighting. We are becoming a society that is not governed by objective reality & facts... we are becoming a society based on the ideological whims of the far left.
Defund the police?? Do u know how many black lives will be lost because of this?
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