Last year (2019), I stumbled upon a sinister Chinese plot to create WhatsApp groups and circulate social media content to undermine India as a nation.
Their aim was to recruit young, vulnerable Indian students and instigate them to speak against Indian interests.

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A WhatsApp group is the most potent weapon for circulation of fake news. By definition, it's a closed group. There are several other loopholes in the App.
It is very difficult to track movement of content by law enforcement.
So, I guess, they selected WhatsApp for this operation.
The story begins in 2018, when WhatsApp Groups were established as the most effective way to circulate 'information' in India. Indian law agencies were still grappling with methods to tackle the menace.
Crimes instigated by false rumours circulated on WhatsApp Groups were rampant
The speed of WhatsApp Groups to 'move' content is phenomenal. I won't go into details. The Indian judiciary have repeatedly urged Indian law enforcement to reign in WhatsApp groups.
Even today it's a favourite weapon for miscreants who are leading the information assault on India
The App is a menace not only in India but across the world. Law enforcement agencies are struggling to reign in the App which was acquired & currently administered by Facebook.
Several countries have banned WhatsApp (names below on map).
Guess which country tops that list?
During November 2019, I received an invitation from a senior manager of a social media company to join their platform (screenshot below).
Note: The company's identity has been protected.
I was still looking to revive my passion project @BollyJourno, so I responded favourably
It wasn't a marketing emailer. The person provided his phone numbers and was using his personal ID. The next few days, we exchanged many mails as I enquired about the platform in detail. I discovered that many former colleagues are already on it.
It was not a Chinese company
I stepped onto the social media platform. I can't share the homepage screenshots as you might be able to identify the platform. My phone numbers were shared with them too. They welcomed me publicly and soon gave me a verified badge. I quite liked the platform and started using it
There were many glitches but it was an honest effort. My account manager was always there to solve issues. I planned to stay on it.
Now comes the twist in the tale.
Few months later, a WhatsApp group was created with the influencers of the platform.
The group's creator was PENNY.
Most users started leaving the group. Some left immediately and some left over the next few days.
I was curious so I stayed on.
I am revealing the name as she was using an alias anyway. Ms Penny patiently waited till everybody left before she messaged again on the group
Here are partial details of Penny (an alias). She was just a cog in a wheel.
Please note that Twitter doesn't allow personal detail.
So any identifiable information has been redacted.
But here are proofs that Penny's location was in China and her SIM card was registered in China.
Penny soon established personal contact with some of the "influencers". One of them was me.
She then diverted the members to another Chat group that she had created. This was being done even as the added members sensed that something was amiss and started leaving in droves.
I decided to talk to Penny & find out how she has procured private data (phone numbers) and how she is using it.
It was clear from the brief conversation that she's looking to create many WhatsApp groups among Indians.
She offered me to become a group admin of one such group
In a short conversation she wanted access to students. The money that was offered was good enough given an effort that you only need to forward messages on a group created for you and where you are the admin.
This is when I stopped talking to her.
But I started asking around
I will stop giving out screenshots and personal information because it involves Indians.
But I soon gathered that Penny has formed several WhatsApp groups, probably in hundreds.
Many of them with students who are vulnerable. Most groups were focussed on Bollywood, Sex and Cricket
Some people informed that initially those groups were meant for information on Cricket, Bollywood etc. but later objectionable material were distributed. Everybody I spoke to, requested me to delete the information.
Most signed off from Penny's groups.
I guess some stayed on
I never messaged or received a message from Penny gain.
The WhatsApp groups are still out there because Penny's phone number still shows as active.
Hopefully you have got a glimpse of how China operated in India and weaponised WhatsApp as a tool of information warfare
My message to all Indians. Please don't sign up for random WhatsApp groups.
If you are Communist at heart and you look upto China, good for you.
But please find out if a Chinese is using a WhatsApp group to alter your thoughts.
Use your own brains & don't blindly forward messages
This is why the police repeatedly releases directives on how to conduct oneself on WhatsApp groups. Some of these groups have become the numero uno source of misinformation.
Many times false information is deliberately fed into the WhatsApp ecosystem to embarrass governments
What I just told you is a necessary tool of the 5th generation warfare that is fought using propaganda and false information using the internet and mobile phones. This warfare is easier, less risky for agents, may be waged from the comforts of your home and hardly endangers life.
India has been chosen by China as a target for information warfare because India has the second largest population of mobile phone users. We also have more than 350 million smartphones users.
In this aspect, we are second only to China.
China is using our strength against us
China is relying on asymmetrical warfare and weaponising the information it collects from users across the world to wage war on other nations.
Here is a report the Pentagon submitted to the US Congress about China's information warfare.
Document link:
China has a state-controlled propaganda department, which is a public office. Most Communist governments, like China, have traditionally relied on propaganda.
Arguably, Chinese propaganda machinery is the best in the world. Their best weapon: Social Media.
Thanks for reading the long thread.
Hope the information helps you.
Please always check the source of information if you are being provoked or instigated.
You never know which Chinese agent is sponsoring it.
There are many Indians who willingly work for them.
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You can follow @Soumyadipta.
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