What is so relatable about Jagmeet Singh being removed from the House of Commons for calling a racist a racist is that we have all been there, tired of playing the diplomatic BIPOC role, tired of listening to casual comments about our race for the 700th time. 1
Once, a white dude in a bar called me a "banana" because I wasn't Chinese enough, and I called him a racist. My white friends apologized for my outburst, and we kept socializing. 2
Another time, a white woman told me she was tired of Asian women dating white men and buying up all the good clothes in downtown Vancouver. I said that was racist and she aaid, "I don't mean Asian women like you, Jen." And I let it go. 3
Or that time a friend's partner told me white privilege didn't exist and I was responsible for my own lack of success, and my boyfriend at the time held me back when I started shouting and told me that it wasn't worth it. I sure felt like it was. 4
There are a thousand examples any BIPOC could tell you about. Each of these moments might seem small but they accumulate until they can't be contained. Jagmeet reached his limit in the House of Commons, a toxic space for anyone who isn't brimming with privilege. Good for him. 5
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