đź—Łthroughout Christian history, Christians have understood that their role is not to go to war against culture but to contribute light to it, redeem it. With every extravagant cathedral, beautifully melody, & thoughtful written word; Christians have sought to light up culture.
đź—ŁThe Bible tells us that we are at war with the kingdom of darkness not with the common grace gift of culture. We press against the kingdom of darkness by being within culture and emanating our light from within not as outsiders drafting battle plans against society.
🗣of you go to war against culture, you go to war against people, and you cannot love people who you are at war against. “Culture war” ideology makes enemies out of image bearers & their presence while Christianity counts people precious & sees culture as a gift of common grace.
🗣The woman at the well didn’t become a hermit, she went back into her culture & brought light w/ her. The Demoniac was commissioned by Christ to go back into his culture & bring his new found light w/ him! Warring against culture is seeking cultural dominance not God’s Kingdom.
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