And the Web looks very different toda-a-ay. For here, am I watching giants topple. Down, for all to see. Our words are true, and there's nothing you can do.
Sexual coersion under the guise of mentorship is wrong in the same way that racism is wrong. Many acts of racism are technically-legal, seemingly innocuous microagressions, but in aggregate they're heinous, and must be identified and stopped.
Anyone excusing such tactics and the systems that allow their proliferation very likely benefits from these systems. I hope they're able to free themselves soon.
Some of you are here because of Warren. Because of this, and the fact that I appear in the documentary about him, I'm implored to confirm that, yes, it's all true. And yes, it happened to me, too. And yes, he has done a lot of good, but the systems? They have to burn.
Another thing about Warren Ellis: this is not about him. The #MeToo movement is, among other feats, shining the light of accountability at the murky spaces between the cut-and-dry criminal cases, where predators once felt safe. This is a conversation about the scope of consent.
An argument I keep seeing: this is about "consenting adults". No. None of us consented to being manipulated, or to becoming a disposable part of a remote stable. You can not give consent if you don't have the entire picture.
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