BBC investigative journos have visited Wuhan university complex but unable to access the grounds due to guards present. This is a Grade 4 (highest level) non-military experimental site for working with viruses.
The university is part of an international network of universities around the world that takes samples of contagious viruses & modify them to make them more pathologically dangerous to humans so as to later create vaccines to prevent their spread.
However support for this branch of this scientific research among scientists is divided between those who believe that the advantages outweigh the huge risks whilst other scientists are tearing their hair out at the possibility of these viruses escaping.
There has already been 4 incidents where these viruses have escaped, two in China, one in Taiwan and the other in a Singapore laboratory. Scientist have been known to travel between laboratories around the world on research contracts and share their knowledge & findings!
In one recent incident a scientist based at Harvard University, Charles Lieber, was arrested and charged with criminal activity amid reported links with Wuhan University in China. Another scientist was charged with transporting 21 vials of cells stolen from a Boston hospital.
Questions still remain as to the exact origins of the outbreak of Covid-19 and the possibility that this outbreak had links to the Wuhan university complex including whether an experiment which likely produced a new vicious strain of Coronavirus was released accidentally.
Since this university trains students to experiment with these samples of new and deadly viruses, surely it is within the realms of possibility that even a student could have self-contaminated him or herself without even realising it and spread it to the immediate Wuhan district!
Until we hear from the Chinese authorities that scientific teams will be allowed full access to investigate this outbreak, Beijing’s terse responses to date will add more doubt & mistrust of the official version of events as originating from bats sold in the local food markets.
@threadreaderapp please #unwrap thanks
I would add that the evidence of virus samples being used as part of experimental scientific programs is not just happening in China but internationally for over a decade now and more common than we realise in producing more deadly strains. This means that the science IS man made
If the final end product is a much more aggressive and intelligent virus at killing its host (humans) then it is also logical to conclude that the risks are greater if it is accidentally or deliberately released into the local population and as evidenced this has happened before!
The public are not being told the full facts about COVID-19 as it is that not just China but other governments who would also face challenges over these types of experiments being conducted in their laboratories resulting in calls for similar research to be shut down.
There are therefore 4 reasons for governments engaging in them despite the downside risks involved:

1. Their use in military applications

2. Lucrative international funding of university programmes & scholarships

3. Lack of Accountability

4. Vaccines are big business!
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