(1/6) Tomorrow is the @greenparty_ie Special Convention on Government Formation.

After reading the #ProgrammeForGovernmemt, I have come to the decision that upon receiving my ballot, I will vote against entering government. đź—ł
(2/6) The Irish electorate voted for change. 57% of people voted against Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, the resulting in their lowest combined vote in history.

Propping up the two establishment parties would be a betrayal and dismissal of this historical vote.
(3/6) The phrase 'deficit reduction' in the PfG means one thing, austerity.

This government will usher in an austerity regime, punishing the worse off in society.

The IFAC has warned of an austerity package of up to €14bn.

Austerity and budget cuts hurt those most in need.
(4/6) The media painted the PfG as a win for the Greens, acting as if we got all that we wanted. That's just not true.

Overall, 60% of the PfG runs in contradiction with our Manifesto.

This is just Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil policies with the Green Party name next to it.
(5/6) I'm also concerned as to the actual substance of the document.

A lot of points seem to be vague, with little information as to how they'll be financed and implemented.

Much of this also appears to be nothing more than 'review', 'consider' and 'examine'.
(6/6) I campaigned for a fairer society, social justice and radical climate action; not the status quo, which has failed the people and the planet consistently.

The deal is uncosted, unambitious and unacceptable.

Greens, reject this deal, reject politics as usual. ✊
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