— reverse thinspo thread of problematic people (≧∀≦)

(so u don’t have to feel *that* guilty)
she fetishizes black men and posts 18+ content on a kids app
not to mention she’s fucking crazy
violated another mukbangers privacy, taking pictures of her house, and threatened to “expose” her
also doesn’t know how to eat properly ❤️
is an 18 y/o dating a 12 y/o. also probably a furry 😹
also says the n word a bunch despite being clearly white. (ty juno for the info on him!)
invalidated the trans and DID community. still hasn’t apologized and clearly doesn’t care
sexualizes kids also showed all their toys on a kids app 😺
haha what the fuck 😹😺
joke thief. also joked about a guys dead friend and said it should’ve been him instead
i don’t have a lot of vids of her so here’s her being a dumb baby 😼✨
fetishizes black men and calls herself a “snow bunny”
okay last one for now! (if u have any more pm me(╹◡╹)). she’s a pathological lier and manipulator
not to mention the definition of self sabotage. once she loses a pound or two she always leaves whatever diet program she was doing
You can follow @56kcaI.
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