I had just started ninth grade when I dated Ricardo. It had only lasted about 2 months, if that. He was very nice in the beginning until he wasn’t getting what he wanted from me. He tried to convince me that he hu with my sister during our relationship - 1/? https://twitter.com/sydneyyfilliuss/status/1273054742671880194
He wasn’t doing it as a joke. He was using that to get a reaction out of me, which of course happened because why would I believe that? After days of him trying to do this, I broke up with him. That when it kept going downhill.
He began telling my friends closest to me and his friend group as well that he took advantage of me, which did happen. He bragged about it as if it was some kind of trophy. He made it seem like it was my fault, that I was to blame for it.
After I broke up with him and blocked him on every social media platform I had, he kept making new accounts and numbers to talk to me. Again, he would try to get a reaction out of me by bragging about his new relationships -
Bragging that he’s moved on from me, that I deserve nothing, and he’s better off without me. Even though he was the one trying his hardest to stay in touch with me. Months after, he had finally given up on trying to contact me.
He is, to this day, the scariest human being I’ve come into contact with. I want no other woman to go through what I went through. The other women that were manipulated and damaged from him deserve so much better. His abuse does not define us.
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