How to deprogram your mind from the matrix.


Ok, let's be honest here, we have suffered untold amounts of advanced attacks. Not physical, but psychological, if you don't believe this to be the case, your either extremely naive or just in pure denial. Let's go deeper/
Before we get into how to clear out the mental gunge that has been pumped in our minds, let's discuss the main forms of attack we come under from the cradle to the grave.

1. TV - Yes, the good old TV. A common feature in most households, I'm sure you all had one and watched it
when you were growing up, many of you will still indulge from time to time, but you must understand this - TV's were nothing more than a weapon made to shatter your minds to pieces. Do you remember how you would feel after watching several hours of TV? Hazy minded, in an almost
hypnotic state. This was no accident, the frequency and flicker rates that TV's use are actually proven to put the human mind into a trance, and they do, more and more as time goes on and they become bigger and more HD.
Now, let's chat about the "programs" we watch, the clue is in the name, yes, they actually "program" you.

Kids cartoons are the most targeted as the young mind is more impressionable and easier to take advantage of.

If you ever watch kids cartoons as an adult and your aware
of this information, you will see ENDLESS subliminal messages about sex, satanism, all-seeing eyes & many other occult symbols.

When I first came across this information I watched a few cartoons to see if I could notice it. They are RIDDLED with really sly and quick images and
messages that should NOT be in children's TV shows, but this is how the cabal creates a path for satan into their precious young minds forever!

It's not just sexual stuff either, its clues and little pointers to big future events, such as the Simpsons 9/11 Reference in 1997.
People think these shows somehow "predict the future" truth is they don't.

The producers are handed scripts and ideas from members of the intelligence agencies who know what is planned sometimes several DECADES in advance.

The idea is, they know millions of people will
watch these shows, so it's a great way to program the subconscious mind.

This technique is known as "predictive programming" This is how it works.

When your watching TV or movie, you can be shown really scary and awful events, for example, the movie contagion (2011)
Let's say, it's 2011, and you're watching it with your wife/husband/GF/BF or whatever, you watch the movie on Netflix or at the cinema, see the horrible virus outbreak that the movie is about, then, later that night, you have a nice meal & have sex with your partner. Sounds fun?
Of course, it is, so now, your subconscious mind has stored all that information together, in the same folder if you want to compare your memory to a PC HDD

So even a decade or more later - when similar events happen in the real world (Covid-19) Your conscious mind does not
Register it the same way, it's not as much of a threat, if anything, it's like an old friend, coming back, to pay you a visit and have some tea.

It's very scientific and twisted, but it works! So be aware when your "tuning in" to TV and movies, they are a tool to control you!
2. Music - Music is a powerful tool to program us also. Let's start first with frequency. All music is played through a specific frequency. The standard one was 432hz up until the mid-50s I believe, when it was changed to 440hz. It's not a huge mathematical difference in numbers,
but, it has a HUGE impact on the human mind. 432hz is known as Verdi's 'A' that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. As the pictures above/below shows.
But now all the music we hear (unless you have the correct software to change it) is set at 440hz, which creates a bad feedback loop causing stress, anxiety, depression, it's very subtle, but it all adds up over a lifetime of hearing music.
Music is also used to program people via the lyrics, which are becoming vapider and vapider as time goes on, more references to sex and depravity or men being madly in love with a woman and begging them not to leave, (lewis Capaldi) It's not hearing the lyrics that are harmful
It is when people start to repeat them (affirmations) this eventually programs the subconscious mind, so men are becoming more feminine (emotional) & women are becoming more masculine due to the nature of these songs. the cabal run all the major record labels and control
EVERYTHING that is played on mainstream radio and all the main music TV channels.

Normal TV shows work in the same way, it all calculated to mutate the sexes and turn us against each other.

Divide and conquer 101.
3. Education system - This is another big one, we are indoctrinated from a young age at school. We are taught a very basic level of knowledge and a very packaged version of human history, our education system is a complete joke and schools and universities today churn out nothing
more than armies of lemmings, year after year. We are taught so many limitations and a really piss poor way to life live, none of it is geared up for a free thinker or ambitions mind, it's set up to crush those people and turn their find young minds into mush, so they never
reach their full potential. Understand, the modern western schooling system comes from the Roman/British empire, the idea was, get people smart enough to become little worker bees for the empire, but not smart enough to understand how it really all works.
Only the select few (elite future cabal members) get a real education where they are taught HOW to think - not WHAT to think - Key difference, this only applies to the smartest pupils of Eton, Oxford, Cambridge & all the Ivy League colleges in the USA.
So how to deprogram ourselves from all these different methods of attack, simple - REPROGRAMME your mind by doing the following -

- Stop watching TV, Movies, Netflix,.
- Swap mainstream (urine-stream) music for baroque/classical.
- Re educate yourself with quality books.
The choice is YOURS stay brainwashed and hopeless or sort your mind out, this life is battle for your mind, you must take control and take action to render the damage caused by all this.
I hope you enjoyed this key thread.

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Considering what is happening in the world as we speak.

I think it's safe to say.

This thread was chillingly accurate.

Spread the word.

Lets reprograme our minds collectively! 👌💪
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