I'm still seeing ppl talk shit about Crys bc of Abigail SO let me try to put this into CRYSTAL'S perspective.

Imagine seeing your fiance panicking for DAYS over something and having to consoled him. Now imagine coming online for the first time in a while and seeing +
someone that your fiance hasn't talked to in YEARS talking shit and putting put vague innuendoes about how she ""warned"" us that he was like this.

Wouldn't you be mad? Tbh I'm surprised Crystal didn't SAY something but ig she had a bit more respect for the situation at hand.
If you still don't like her. Cool, if you wanna unfollow me, that's cool too. But I just think we shouldn't be attacking Crystal when Abigail was talkimt some shit on her acc in the first place.
Jfnsjsja sorry if there's typos. I wrote this at 4 am and didn't bother to re-read it when I woke up 😂
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