Well well, another day, another scandal in nerd spaces wherein a guy with clout acts like a gross sex pest. Could we just… not?
I got married before my writing career went anywhere, so I’ve never been single and lonesome at a convention. That’s my perspective. I’m not trying to tell anyone to “not date,” not trying to be a prude. THAT SAID…
If you are at a convention or a store in a professional capacity, MAYBE DON’T TRY TO FUCK. Is that such a crushing demand? Is it SO much to ask?
Can we try to center the idea that people came to an event labeled a COMIC CONVENTION because they want to “convene” and enjoy “comics” - not to get hit on? Same deal with games.
Something companies never come out and say is “Look, the pay is bad, and if you don’t like it, there’s a dozen other writers willing to accept it.” Which sucks, but…
…maybe the notion “You can't flirt while you’re here as a representative of a business entity. Don’t smirk and insinuate and creep and if that's a problem, there’s others who’d be fine with it” has merit?
As the saying goes, “If you don’t know how to care about other people, I don’t know how to teach you,” but hey, let me put out an argument for the sociopaths in the audience.
Even if you don’t care about other people’s feelings at all, consider this: Your favorite game might go out of business because conventions feel unwelcoming.
Why are games expensive? Well, it’s a niche hobby. There aren’t many players. Why do you suppose that is? Could it be… because conventions have some track record of being Real Creepy Places to FIFTY PERCENT OF THE HUMAN RACE?
(I’m referring to the female half. When you factor in race, class, age and sexual orientation, a convention from the early 90s was probably hostile to something like 80% of humanity.)
I despise most gatekeeping because I think it’s petty and gross, but ALSO BECAUSE IT TEARS CHUNKS OUT OF MY BOTTOM LINE.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but here’s what I’ll promise you if you interact with me at a convention or a store appearance.
ONE: No grabs. I’ve become such a germophobe in the Year Of Our Lord 2020 that I’ll probably switch from handshakes to a nice sanitary elbow-bump. If we’ve known each other for years, MAYBE a brief, chaste hug. You probably have to initiate it though.
TWO: If you want to have a one-on-one, it’ll be in public. I can get wanting to pick a pro’s brain without having to shout over the din of the dealer floor, but we can talk out on a bench or over coffee.
THREE: I will not ask you back to my hotel room. In the past, I’ve run games in hotel rooms and it’s been fine, but hey, the climate’s changed. New rule. Everyone’s safer.
FOUR: You do not need to drink booze to talk with me and I don’t need to drink booze to talk with you. It’s a long-hallowed tradition I love, but I guess I’ll have to restrict my saucing-up to people I already know.
FIVE: I will probably forget your name within three to four days. (This isn’t a promise so much as a warning, my executive function was never that great and it’s decaying these days.)
Will I miss out on some fun, causal, interesting times following these rules? Possibly, maybe not, no way to tell. But if it helps the next shy genius game designer feel safe asking a question, I’ll take that hit.
You can follow @GregStolze.
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