You know, the same thing happened to me as #BreonnaTaylor?

But when the FBI broke down my door and told me to get on the floor, I told them to "eat shit." And here I am, alive.

(Here's the story, again)
So in 2012 around 6am, I heard loud banging at my front door. I went downstairs and as I approached the door, they kicked it in and 10ish people stormed in.

It was dark and I thought maybe I was being robbed. So, I didn't cooperate.
When my eyes finally adjusted and I could see the yellow FBI letters I said, "I'm pretty sure you have the wrong house. Show me the warrant."

A lady FBI agent (yay feminism) held an AR type weapon at my head and said they would shoot me if I didn't get on the ground.
I REFUSED. She swept my feet out and dropped me to the ground and handcuffed me.

My sicilian grandfather always told me, "demand a warrant" if I'm ever hassled by the police. I did. They REFUSED. They said they didn't need to show one until they left.
They went upstairs and got my roommate, we both tried to figure out what we had done by the others face. 😬

12 hours we sat on the couch, handcuffed, with guns pointed at us.

They took all of our computers, gaming consoles, electronics out of the house.
We had no idea why.
Also, when they all arrived they blocked the entrance/exit to our cul-de-sac and our entire neighborhood could not get out to go to work for the entire day.

They loaded up their cars and pulled each of us into a different room for interrogation.
We were both interrogated and I was asked if they would find anything illegal. 1 nug of weed sat next to me as they asked. I assumed this was some test, and admitted I had that one nug. They said "we don't care about that." (This was a lie)
They asked about my online activity and tried to lead me into saying I was the *head* of ANON. Yes, they thought A WOMAN WAS THE HEAD OF AN ANONYMOUS HACKING GROUP. (Lol feminism 🙄 but also, there's no head of ANON.)
After they interrogated us they sat us back down on the couch when a local sheriff walked through the door, he praised the folks who broke the door down, and added "I could have done better" and told me he needed to speak to me outside.

He interrogated me over the weed.
First he told me if the vial he drops the weed into turns purple, then it's weed.

Like, uh yeah that's the whole point. I admitted it.

Anyway, shocking to absolutely no one, it turned purple. AND HE WROTE A SUMMONS.
He let me sit back down on the couch. As the feds started clearing out, they left the warrant, taped to the wall, and bounced.

All it said was they had a right to search the property but NO REASON. they just alluded to the fact that I was some mastermind or head of anonymous.
Eventually through the Freedom of information Act, I requested my files from the FBI and they came back with a blank page.

LITERALLY they mailed me a blank page. how could it have nothing if they raided my house?
I worked from home and they took my work computer, which was property of a government contractor who dealt in sales to the FBI. I did their website. MY EMPLOYER THOUGHT I WAS GUILTY and I almost lost my job.
I had to buy a new computer and new cellphone as they took those. 6 months later they said they had "bad Intel" and that I could come pick up my stuff in NOVA.

I had to hire a lawyer for my marijuana charge. $10k but the stupid cop forgot to read me my Miranda Rights.
So the charge was dismissed and I was lectured on the dangers of marijuana. (This was NOVA)

Apparently I had a similar username on IRC as an anon hacker. That was it.
If you're wondering why all this is possible, here's a thread.....
They also refused to repair the door because it was too expensive. They said their budget only covers 2k and because my door had glass panes on the side of it, it was too expensive for them to cover.

So I had to negotiate different doors for the FBI to replace.
2 years after the raid, they finally approved a different, less expensive door.

Btw, this was a rental property that we were now financially responsible for the balance of the new door.
My phone's remained tapped after the raid. (Landline BC working from home) But when my grandmother would call and you can hear them tap in, she would yell "fucking pigs" 😂
When I picked up my property, there was a new game in my Xbox and my tablet was fully charged and turned on after being in impound for 6 months????

I paid about 15k out of pocket when it was all said and done.
All this was possible because of the expansion under Obama of the Civil asset forfeiture laws and the Byrne grants.
Shortly after I was diagnosed with cancer and had to go on disability.

While receiving treatment, Obama cut my food stamps, forcing me to choose between Cancer medication and eating.
Gee, why am I not voting for a Democrat? (Or republican)
Oh, I forgot. When the piggy sheriff walked through and said he could have done a better job breaking the door, I yelled "what about innocent until proven guilty, asshole."

I was so pissed at that point. But still, I did not fear for my life. It was unnerving, but no fear.
Fyi for the folks who don't know me, but, I was raped by a cop at age 17.

So, yeah. Not a fan.

ACAB is waaay too nice.
So, I had 2 dogs at the time. I closed the door to my bedroom when I heard them knocking at the front door because my dogs bark. (Obviously I didn't know it was the FBI)

When they came in and started searching, I was SCREAMING to them to not shoot my dogs.
That picture is actually from that house. Behind them is the stairs going down to the door.

They put the dogs outside on the deck for 12 hours without water in the middle of the summer in VA.
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