in dtm season three there will definitely be a scene in the hospital where judy sits next to jens bed and fucking breaks down because she feels like the car crash was her fault and my heart hurts when i think about it
this scene would be in 3x01 and would be a fucking perfect opportunity for an ALMOST confession where they nearly kiss/have a moment (like judy’s pregnancy test scene in season 1) but then are interrupted by a doctor or something ooo girl my mind.
liz feldman please hire me
and like honestly it would be a brilliant way to set the tone for the season because it would:
a. pick up from where we left off.
b. present jen and judy’s relationship as a more OBVIOUS romantic one without it ‘coming out of nowhere’.
c. re-establish jen and judy’s personalities
omg also expanding on it re-establishing the characters it would also be a super obvious (but kinda not) way to show their developing relationship dynamic because it’s quite literally codependent in that judy is looking after jen , but jen is still emotionally supporting judy đŸ„ș
i’ve spoken about this before i think but the hospital will probably be the main setting for the first 2/3 episodes and i feel as though these episodes will be more focused on judy.
she’ll probably see michelle again because of flo and this my friends is where it gets good +
buckle up y’all
they’d meet and it would be awkward and michelle would try to ‘start again’ with judy but she’d be like
“i’m sorry , i can’t. i’m here to take care of jen”
michelle would be like “you really do love her don’t you”
judy obviously would be like “? yeah ??”
and michelle would look at her with sinCERITYYYY and be like “ , you know what i mean” (a lá ‘you know why from atypical)
this would be a MASSIVE tonal shift and would create a massive tension point for viewers to dig their teeth into.
not only because it’s establishing jen and judy’s romantic relationship in a clearer way but because it was introduced by judy’s ex.
bitch it’s the serve.
i feel like the main focal point of the next season won’t be mystery , because i don’t see how they’d be able to drag out the car accident over the span of a whole season. it’s too easy and it’s not hard to figure out it was ben considering his injuries etc. SO +
i feel like instead, this season will focus more on jen and judy’s growth as people. it will zoom in on their best and worse traits and will truly delve into the nature of who they are. together and apart. it will be full of realisations and hurt and trauma
because honestly it kinda started in 2x10 with the scene on the couch where jen tells judy to start saying no. and then later when judy sees her mum in jail again. i feel like in season 3 we’ll see judy flourish and be confident on her own; but also she’s doing it for jen
like it or not, jen and judy NEED each other. they are now (technically) free. they aren’t concerned with the police anymore , so it wouldn’t make any sense not to explore their magnetism in the next season. why else would they stay ?
jens monologue about judy in perez’s car (2x10) is the PERFECT crutch to use when it comes to exploring how jen feels about judy. going back to that scene , when perez asks jen why she can’t hate judy, she goes silent for a beat. a long, contemplative beat. +
the beat in between perez asking jen why she can’t hate judy and jen saying “she sees the good in people , even when it isn’t there” is heavy. too heavy. she can’t look at perez and that’s not a coincidence.

the space between the words tells us more than the words themselves.
girl it’s beautiful and twisted and wrong and codependent and toxic but these characters have been through so much. they need each other to survive. they need to grow but they can only do that with each other.
good plants can’t bloom without the sun bruh.
alternatively , i think a beautiful ending to season three would be an unhappy one. now this is depressing so sorry in advance +
of course, the dog found st*ve, but idc about steve so moving on from that ; there is absolutely no way in hell jen would get away with it. so, in 3x10 we’ll have seen so much obvious pining and yearning (and probably a kiss at a club bc we need a good dance scene) +
but then , jen and judy start properly speaking about their relationship and then the confession comes. it’s emotional and it feels like a weight has been lifted. it’s beautiful. but then , a knock at the door.
jen and judy answer the door together (duh) and detective perez , nick and other members of the police department are at the door.
jen asks what’s wrong and they announce that she’s under arrest for the murder of steve wood.
it is AWFUL. judy tried to reason with perez and the officers begging that they take her too because of what she did to ted and she’s screaming and crying and linda will catch that damn emmy for it. +
but as they take jen away, she turns around to judy and tells her she loves her and to look after the boys. judy’s at the door in hysterics. the sound fades out as ‘anyone who knows what love is’ or something similar plays , we cut to black.
~ end of thread until my brain gets thinky again ~
so um this thread kinda popped off ! i also have a playlist with songs i want to be in season 3 too , it kinda goes hand in hand with this thread because as much as i wanna maybe actually screenwrite someday music is my no.1 and my playlists are elite so
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