We're not even equal in mind

Meet enough high IQ women and you will find one thing consistent amongst them: an unparalleled capacity to rewrite reality (literally gaslight themselves, and you) to fit their contemporary emotions.

They have no fixed basis in objective reality. https://twitter.com/davidgoliatblog/status/1273246068482940928
This ability is actually more pronounced, and worse in clever women than it is in dumb women. Because clever women are able to employ more cognitive power towards constructing ever more nuanced and plausible narratives that reinforce that they are in fact, not a shit person.
More cognition to shift the blame, to deflect attention, to make subtle conflations which whilst technically incorrect, support her worldview, and of course to assail you with red herrings and other spontaneous bullshit meant to keep you from reaching the root cause.
And even if you are an absolute champion and nail her dead to rights (not in the bedroom, but mentally) she will simply switch tac to a new vector of disagreement - no longer pushing the previous point, but neither conceding it either - and this occurs endlessly - going nowhere.
All of this is of course very energy/time intensive & ultimately fruitless

This is why it is pointless to argue with women & better to simply manipulate their emotions, because smart girls are still just girls, so even though they can use logic they don't honour the spirit of it
Smart girls employ logic to win respect and credibility - which is a way of gaining access to more niche/higher status men. It is a tool for them, and not their preference.

When it comes to personal matters, they couldn't give 5 flying fucks about logic and reason. Zero honour.
You can literally get a +3 SD girl to cry "why do you care so much about logic!!!"

They are all the same, the smart ones are just better at hiding it from you - but be close enough to them for long enough, and you will see it.

Girls will be girls, be they clever or dumb.
Women just DGAF about the truth the same way men do - women care, more than anything - about not feeling bad and being seen as good - which means they are perpetually self-bullshitting, both to themselves, and to you.

This lack of honesty is why they're so unreliable & disloyal.
Honesty, loyalty, honour, accountability & dedication to truth are all exceptionally rare qualities in women, and where they exist in women, they do so in a fragile state, predicated upon the constant ruthless and mindful self-pruning of basal instincts by the woman in question.
Most women aren't even self-aware, and of those who are, barely any can self-regulate.

This is why women are dependants who require constant disciplining/reorientation by a patriarch (husband/father) in order to keep them "on the right path" - honourable, not a bullshitter etc.
A woman's quality of character is the life long handiwork of the based men in her life who give a fuck about her. And a lot of the time she'll sabotage their noble efforts.

It's effectively tantamount to raising a child for life.

The work never ends.
Men who don't give a fuck about her will encourage liberalism in her and manipulate her emotionally, they won't try to "oppress" (read: protect) her by preaching conservatism, but will leverage her foolish emotional prejudices and egoism in order to profit from her sexually.
They'll take her on a wild emotional rollercoaster ride that ultimately ends with her bouncing on the end of a dick

And women want that rollercoaster ride. It's exciting for them

But ultimately it's short-sighted because in the long-run it damages their already delicate psyches
So women have a natural aversion to truth, are easily misled by bullshit, undermine those who have their best interests at heart, and are drawn to those who would abuse them and give no fucks about them.

If you hear a man say "I hope it's not a girl" don't hate on him too hard.
He hopes it's not a girl because he knows he'll have to become the best man he can be to raise her right, and that despite this, at one point or another, she is going to defy him and break his heart. And she will blame him for that. And he will too.

Welcome to daddy issues.
Women left to their own devices degenerate in character, as evidenced by feminism.

Feminism did not IMPROVE the quality of women, but on the contrary, diminished it.

The evidence is clear.

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" is one of the greatest lies ever told.
Women need men like a baby needs a mother.

Traditional family oriented masculine fathers nurture women, and make them into great people.

Alone, they're nothing, and embody nothing other than promiscuity, ego, materialism, emotionalism and depression.
A woman who never benefits from the benevolent oversight of authoritative patriarchs, first her father, than subsequently her husband, is an uncultivated woman left to rot who subsequently becomes trash.

They are not marriageable, because they have not been tamed enough.
At this point, they become little more than a ball of vain egoism wrapped up in their sexuality, leveraging it for profit to become both the concubines of the wicked, and the enslavers of the emasculated downtrodden.

Poetically, they become victim and oppressor simultaneously.
So to loop full circle:

Smart women endlessly argue and are more delusional than dumb women, and women who didn't benefit from a constant masculine presence in their lives are unmarriageable feral harlots that lack a healthy respect for the nobility of paternalistic authority.
Because a picture is worth a thousand words.

Here is the difference in a picture.
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