My final thread of the day - I remember last year was it? When some brave and awesome young queer Nigerians we’re talking about organizing a pride march only for Nigerian feminists to talk them out of it, scaring them into to relative silence... fuck... my heart still breaks
when I think of it... especially when juxtaposed against the BLM protests going on in America... seeing non black allies getting shot and harmed for standing up for what they believe in. Why do you think the revolution for gay rights in Nigeria will be comfortable or safe?
The March ended up not happening... at least not in the original way it was planned because these same Nigerian feminists were not willing to risk anything for the group they are supposed allies for. Only for them a few months later to randomly decide to drag gay men for opting-
to enter marriages to protect their identity as they are literally being slaughtered and harassed. So many of the out gay men I follow have at one time or the other deleted their account/ gone private because of the death threats. So many of them have been rendered homeless ...
Nigerian Feminists l, I am BEGGING you, update your queer politics! People are LITERALLY dying because you refuse to...
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