White leftists are tiring.

A better analogy would be being repeatedly kicked in the stomach and being tired of explaining why the person kicking you should stop. https://twitter.com/lil_yenta/status/1272933195986673665
We tell y'all to Google shit because we're tired of explaining our humanity. Why we deserve to live. Why we deserve to be treated fairly. Only for y'all to pick apart everything we say and dismiss our experiences.

There are resources out there. Go read something.
What do I get from explaining racism to white people? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, but stress and annoyance, and a reminder that having to explain your oppression to your oppressor is yet another form of violence.
Read that again.

Having to teach your oppression to your oppressor is a form of violence.

Because it hurts us to have to justify our existence. It hurts us that we have to convince you to give a shit about our lives.
You are not entitled to my knowledge, or my time, or the wisdom from my lived experience.

You are not entitled to my pain and my frustrations.

You are not entitled to an explanation.

Especially not when there are *many* resources for you to learn from, without bothering me
Y'all don't like to read. That's ok. I don't either. There are many ways to consume information.

Follow people on here (silently, don't annoy them with questions). Watch a lecture on YouTube. Listen to a podcast/audiobook.
So many ways to learn, so many different sources to learn from, and you still want me to prepare a slide deck and explain racism to you? For free? While you play devil's advocate for fun?

This is basically blaming marginalized people for our own oppression.

Maybe if we were nice and explained oppression to our oppressors, they would stop killing us, right? https://twitter.com/Succzone1/status/1273126546723745797?s=20
Slavery is over.

(I mean, not in prisons. But you know what I mean.)
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