i’m starting my first real job in exactly 3 weeks & it is supposed to be a milestone but the special circumstances have definitely dulled my excitement.. also been reflecting about whether stepping into adulthood means i should shift my priorities i.e. away from fangirling..
i’m fully aware that many many people continue fangirling even as a working adult.. but i’ve spent so so so many years fangirling and have invested so much time, money and energy. these days, i also feel like i ought to channel more resources into making the world a better place
esp with the current sociopolitical climate - i feel like i can and should do more. and what if i spend the time on myself instead? to educate myself, to focus on learning and maturing more. idk. i’m still trying to strike a good balance because i know i can’t give this all up
++ once i saw someone say “my friends are trading stocks and here i am trading photocards” and i swear that hit differently. not because i wanna start investing (although i should), but it makes me feel that i’ve got my priorities in the wrong place.
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