another aside: I’m not entirely comfortable seeing transmasc & nb folks policing play with femme genderswap or gender signifiers for otherwise masc folks as ‘inherently transphobic’ when I also know a lotta transfemme folks DO appreciate those as affirming or pleasurable.
cis folks also Have A Gender, and an accidental implication of saying that genderswaps to cis femme are inherently transphobic or binary is that.... well, only trans folks and nb folks “have” gender and everyone else is “normal,” not just one of many gender options to present as.
also presumes that the ‘swap’ is cis not transfemme. now, would I appreciate more variety of genderswaps to multiple gender presentations, yes!! but remember that while it isn’t binary, gender also includes femininity and femme presentation too. one option of many to imagine!
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