Sister is questioned at NIDA audition callback 1998. Because she is Aboriginal, ‘Do you have at least one good parent?’ Flash forward 2008 My first week of NIDA. Teacher: ‘David Gulpilil. Fantastic actor... But an Alcoholic... Meyne I don’t want you to be like that’
I’m been constantly picked out in a class for being the misbehaving student by a certain teacher. Dad calls it’s as it is, says the teacher is a racist. I would get top marks for technique but I failed in ‘Professionalism’ constantly over my time at the school from this teacher.
2009. Aboriginal, Asian and Lebanese students present in class. “This class if full of chinks, abos and lebs.”
2010: Indigenous students are compared by teachers over who is a ‘real one’ and who isn’t. Asian student is accused of being an illegal immigrant from Teacher in front of class while Asian student is not present.
Am preasured to do an all Aboriginal play but I refuse to be type cast as the industry would treat me as such. I want to be seen for my talent not my skin colour.
Teacher gives me voice lozenges that are called ‘Negroids’ which were small and black in appearuance.
All three years: Black students are constantly mistaken for the one another by most of teaching staff.
I know there’s more but this is what I can remember right now... Wendy Mocke, I hear, I see, I believe you ✊🏾
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