I feel like Scorpia's overt crush on Catra gets completely overlooked when talking about the representation in She-Ra
No they didn't become canon as a couple, but Scorpia's feelings absolutely were. And you know what? That happens in real life, esp for queer people. You can have crushes on people that don't like you back and are bad for you, and eventually you have to leave them.
Giving Scorpia a happy ending (even if not explicitly made canon on screen) with Perfuma, who fully believed in and cared for Scorpia was so important. Girls who like girls that are bad for them CAN find girls who are actually good for them, I think that was really great to show.
Catra and Scorpia are both lesbians, but for me there's a parallel to be drawn in their story to a gay girl liking a straight girl. No matter what Scorpia did, Catra wasn't going to like her back. Scorpia had to realize this and leave. This is a pretty common queer experience.
The characters don't have to kiss for their stories to be officially deemed queer stories. Catra and Adora are the central gay relationship and I love them dearly, but there are so many other gay elements in the show that are worth talking about as well!
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