Not gonna lie, this stuff ain’t sit right with me. Why?

1. 85% of the kids in cages (unaccompanied minors) are from CENTRAL AMERICA. Yet all I see is people waving Mexican flags and claiming it’s a Mexican issue.
2. A lot of “Raza” were being hella xenophobic back in 2018 when CENTRAL AMERICANS were seeking refugee in MEXICO, none of y’all said a word.
3. Think about the reason why your protesting about now? Is it because y’all feel uncomfortable that the world is focusing on Black issues? If so, ask yourself why is that? Have you been to an ICE rally before?
4. Stop saying this ALL LIVES MATTERS bullshit. Y’all keep forgetting that BLACK people are also targeted for deportation. Y’all forget there are BLACK MEXICANS & BLACK LATINX People. When y’all say this shit your ANTI-BLACKNESS is showing.
I’m not saying don’t protest, we need to fight for the kids in cages as much as we need to fight for Black liberation. But if your reason is because you feel Black people are getting all the “attention”, then your doing it for the wrong reasons, and you need to check yourself.
And if your strongly advocating for #AbolishICE but not using that same energy for the #BlackLivesMattter Movement, then you don’t care about the kids in cages. Black people are our people too!
You can follow @coquihanii.
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