@johnamonaco @DawnofMercy @ulrichlehner Having personal experience falling into the trap of trusting private revelations early in my reversion, I think that this kind of scholarship is badly needed. Speaking from personal experience, I found myself very overwhelmed and confused.
Since the Church's policy is to let things play out before passing judgement, it is easy for newbies to mistake that silence for validation. Eventually, I just cut all times from reading that stuff and then proceeded to learn my faith through scripture and church documents.
I found authentic nourishment from the sources of revelation. Scripture, Vatican II, and the writings of Popes John Paul II & Benedict XVI. Yet, I still think Bishops should take a more proactive stance towards seers within their own jurisdiction. The silence can be confusing.
Thank you @DawnofMercy for your witness and your willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue with these kinds of issues. God Bless You!
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