I’ve been thinking about the differences between the Thatcher govt and the Johnson govt. I hated the Thatcher govt. They came to power in the first general election I voted in. I hated what they did to industry& to the welfare state.
I hated what they did to society, creating the ‘greed is good’ attitude. I hated what they did to my generation. We had been brought up by the WWII generation to be community minded, but they encouraged us towards a ‘me first’ orientation.
But I hate the Johnson govt more. I couldn’t really put my finger on it at first-there are so many ways that they are similar, divide and conquer, ‘me first’ attitude, pretending that they are doing things for everyone’s good when it’s just all about the city
But I think in the end, Thatcher did think what she was doing was ‘right’ at some level. She did have policies, I just didn’t agree with the reasons that she gave for having them, but I got that you might do that if you looked at the world in a particular way
What’s different is that this lot just so clearly want to be the govt but they’re like kids playing at it. &at some level they seem to know that, &simply don’t care. It’s not about serving nation/people-it’s a me thing, strutting around looking ‘ministerial’
So here we are, in the middle of an international pandemic, with a bunch of selfish toddlers in charge. I didn’t agree with Thatcher, but I do think she cared about serving the nation according to her lights, but all Johnson& his pals care about is themselves
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