How much money do you need to retire and why you probably wouldn’t.

I can imagine it being annoying when a rich person tells you “money doesn’t buy happiness”

So let me explain what we mean when we say that:

It’s not that no money doesn’t make us happy, because if I had to worry about bills & couldn’t be free from bullshit, I’d be unhappy.
So what we actually mean is that EXCESS money doesn’t make you happy.

For most, this is around ($2MM) - depending on where you live & desires, it could be more or less.

But in general, $2MM-5MM liquid is optimal number.

Let’s run some numbers to make it clearer:
$5,000,000 liquid net worth.

Let’s assume a very conservative 5% ARR across your entire portfolio if well diversified.

5% of 5MM = $250K.
Minus 20% CG tax on $250K = $200k net to spend per year which is already more than enough meaning you can reinvest the spare $ to compound.
A well diversified portfolio may look like:

~5% cash.
~5% gold.
~10% bitcoin.
~40% equities (e.g. ETFs, indexes, gov bonds, low yield dividend paying stocks).
~40% Real Estate.

*Change numbers depending on risk tolerance & knowledge of industry.
So why not more than the number I said, surely more is better right?

No, money has diminishing returns.

After the point of freedom, the rest becomes a crutch (paranoia to keep the money, increased stresses such as having to fire staff at scale, threats to privacy, lawsuits etc)
There’s two ways to use money:

1 - To disappear: keep it lowkey & enjoying the fruits of your labour with those who love you.

Anonymously use your money as an instrument of change.

A quiet & peaceful life.
2 - To be seen by the world:

Fill the gaping hole inside you with temporary hits of pleasure so that the world can see how “successful” you are.

Unfortunately these hits of pleasure are like placing a bandage over a wound without treating the root cause.
After you hit that freedom number, you’ll experience a shift from chasing numbers, to chasing mastery, pursuing a passion & creating change.

That is the only reason why UHNWI usually keep building something after they are free - because “retirement” gets boring.
Not all money is created equal.

You want to get to the point where your income is made passively on your networth.

Two guys:
1 - MD making $500k/pa.
Unlimited stress.

2 - Dude worth $8MM, making $500k/pa on his networth through his investments.

Not the same lives.
Funny how everyone that wants to be a “billionaire” doesn’t even have $10MM lol.

Get clear with your goals to an exact science(actually factoring in taxes) & then reverse engineer it.

There are millions of ways to the top of the $ mountain, most will include owning equity.
1 - Make $2MM+ liquid by grinding for a decade on biz

2 - Invest at 7% - live off passive investments, don’t become hedonistic pig & have ultimate freedom

At this point you’ll have the choice to stop doing anything for money and can only “work” again if you LOVE it.
As requested by brothers @DejaRu22 @thedulab @kobegatsby 🤝
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