My DMs are open. If someone out there, especially someone I'm following, is doing bad shit, please let me know!

I miss things. Big things. Racist things. The TL is tough for me with ADHD, its overload, so I need some help. And I'm happy to help you take out the trash.
I'll thread in any brought to my attention so other people thinking the same can see them.

I have like 600 mutuals with this person who thinks their transphobia is SO WITTY.
This guy (@/Chet_Novels) is a giant yike fest
Have a gross Terfy Booktuber
@/phalchemy8 makes a hobby of gaslighting and calling those of us who point out abuse bullies. She's defending JKR and someone spewing Nazi rhetoric at like a 3 second glance at her tweets. Here's one interaction (shared with Shane's permission).
You can follow @CKnightWrites.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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