URGENT: The FBI are actively "visiting" people across the country right now gathering information about their political beliefs and associations, as a direct form of harassment and intimidation to crack down on the powerful protests of the last few weeks. DO NOT SAY A WORD.
This is not a new phenomenon, so take a minute to learn from social movements of the past that have faced FBI repression. You cannot "outsmart" the FBI. Lying to them is a crime. If an FBI agent comes to your door, do not let them in. Do not answer questions. Call the @NLGnews
Tell the agents to slide their card under the door in order to identify themselves. Otherwise SAY NOTHING. Even seemingly innocuous things you say could be used to target or harm other people, or could be used against you by agents in bad faith. These ppl are not your friends.
The only words you should ever say to an FBI agent (or any other law enforcement officer) are:

"I wish to remain silent. I wish to speak to an attorney."

"Do you have a warrant signed by a judge? Slide it under the door." and

"Otherwise go fuck yourself."
FBI agents are smart. They’ll tell you they’re “just trying to help you out.” They’ll tell you they know you weren’t involved in “any of that stuff” but they’re just “following up on a few things.”

Remember they are legally allowed to lie to you. But lying to them is a felony.
You might not think that your activism "rises to the occasion" of getting a knock on your door by the FBI.

Consider that these goons spent our tax dollars infiltrating vegan potlucks and trying to psychologically undermine MLK.

The FBI's goal is to defend the status quo.
FBI agents thrive off of people's fear. They'll tell you that you shouldn't tell anyone they visited you, for example. Ignore them. Literally don't listen to a goddamn word they say. Alert your community to the fact they're snooping around, and talk to a lawyer ASAP. that's it.
There's no need to reinvent the wheel. Movements fighting for racial, economic, and environmental justice have faced FBI repression for decades. There are plenty of materials out there to educate yourself and your loved ones. Here's a good place to start https://ccrjustice.org/if-agent-knocks-booklet
Also, DON'T PANIC. Don't let paranoia stop you from organizing. The FBI spend a lot of time bullying people and scaring people and turning people against each other but they're not all powerful and they can't stop you from organizing and speaking out.
Don't make an overly big deal out of potential government repression or spend all your time trying to figure out if people around you might be "informants." Realize that there's always the potential of government surveillance or crackdown, and keep pushing toward your goals.
One of the main goals of FBI surveillance of social movements is to disrupt, slow down, spread fear, turn people against each other, tie up people's time responding to ridiculous legal threats, etc. etc. etc. to undermine social movements working to make structural change.
The way we fight that is by knowing our rights and building trust and community. There's nothing "cool" about getting spied on by the government. Try not to brag or posture or use security culture as a way to score points, and especially not as a way to slow down organizing.
But take some time to learn, practice, and plan ahead for how you will keep your community safe in a world where Donald Trump and Bill Barr are in charge of Federal law enforcement agencies.
Otherwise keep calm, remain silent, and talk to an attorney with social movement experience. There are pro bono attorneys @NLGnews in almost every city in the US that will give you legal advice for free if you are targeted by the government because of your political activities.
You can follow @evan_greer.
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