We're gonna do a little 🧵 tonight on how, exactly, Republicans have used their racially gerrymandered (super)majority over the last decade in North Carolina.

Wanna hear about bribery, election fraud, corruption, dirty tricks, culture warring and lots of racism? Here we go!
The last chairman of the NC GOP is literally in prison right now for bribery. Robin Hayes - 10-year Congressman, prominent state Republican - tried to help a prominent GOP donor manipulate the insurance commissioner into doing favors. This was last year. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article235704972.html
Literally one of NC Republicans' first priorities after winning a majority - while working on their gerrymander - was passing a same-sex marriage ban.

After it was struck down as unconstitutional, a bunch of Rs proposed bills to defy the Supreme Court. 🤡 https://indyweek.com/news/elections/dark-day-n.c.-amendment-1-passes/
The state of North Carolina does not have a budget - and probably won't pass one!

The reason is because Republicans in the legislature are holding raises for teachers hostage for more corporate tax cuts, and refuse to negotiate with Gov. Cooper. https://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/article239492868.html
(I love that shot of @TerenceEveritt looking concerned in the background)
But I submit that the single worst thing North Carolina Republicans have done is essentially suspend representative democracy as most Americans understand it.

A lot of people don't realize this. Since 2012, the NC legislature has not represented North Carolina voters.
Democrats won a majority of votes for the NC House and Senate in 2018 - by about 2.5 points overall.

You know what happened? They *barely* broke the Republican SUPERmajority.

The gerrymander made it simply impossible for Democrats to win back power. That's what it did.
There's so much more that we could point to here.

Wanna read about what @ThomTillis was doing before he went to the Senate? Google the "Motorcycle vagina bill" - it's a thing! He did it! It was really shitty! https://medium.com/@longleafpineslate/top-10-worst-things-nc-republicans-have-done-2560e02bac2b
I am not exaggerating in the least when I say that 2020 is a fight for the goddamned future of representative democracy in North Carolina.

If we lose this year, we're gerrymandered into irrelevance again. The bad guys win. Democracy loses.
But there's good news! This year is our chance!

We have new court-ordered maps. Democrats - finally! - have a viable path back to power. And we are fighting to make it happen.

Learn more at http://LongLeafPineSlate.org  - or give directly here 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 https://secure.actblue.com/donate/longleafpine
Oh - I almost forgot!

Want to help this effort? We need you! Specifically, we need friends - in NC or not - to help organize small groups who just wanna learn more. (I have a presentation...)

DMs are open. ✌🏻
You can follow @BlairReeves.
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