A thread of incomplete theses I believe to be true as of of 06/15:
If you have only vocational ends in mind, you probably shouldn’t go to college.
There’s a lot of explanatory power in the heuristic that women seek to preserve their worth while men seek to prove theirs.
You are more stupid being right with a dumb argument than wrong with a good one.
Birth rates matter a lot. In this regard, bad politics are self-defeating and accelerationism is correct.
Competition proceeds scarcity. Not the other way around. Things are scarce because first we desire them.
The greatest good of capitalism comes from redirecting the energy of the ambitious away from zero-sum games.
The greatest evil of capitalism is that it redirects ambition to its most benign applications.
Wisdom teeth removal is a scam. Teeth cleaning is a scam. Most dentistry is a scam.
Scientism is worse than theism.
If an experiment confirms a hypothesis then it's just a measurement.
The original sin of Liberalism (and thus its downfall) is that it pits its two core values - liberty and equality - intractably against one another.
Intimacy and Desire are diagonally opposed. One relies on familiarity and repetition, the other on novelty and the unknown.
Plea deals should be abolished and only serve to unfairly incarcerate the poor.
There would be less gender inequality if men were better at sex.
The only universal delineation in any individual’s life is pre and post fall.
Work/life balance and all other dichotomies of time and identity are incoherent. There are only different periods of expression.
Almost all of contemporary Western culture has its roots in ten thousand autists and a handful of African-American neighborhoods.
The future will be more religious, not less.
Positivism begets an era of new mythology.
Technology breaks men by making them shoot up schools and breaks women by making them get naked online.
The biggest problem with the university is that it systematically teaches people they don’t have agency (another problem of being taught by people who self-select for sinecure).
Good Old Neon is David Foster Wallace’s best work.
Nominative determinism is real and affirmations work because our perception of reality is shaped via evolutionary fitness functions.
Never take generic drugs.
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