How You See Yourself Matters Most - Thread.

How do you view yourself?
The importance of what you think of yourself cannot be overemphasized. You are the only one who knows all there is to know about you.
You know all your flaws, your failures, and the little stuff that nobody else does. Because of that, you may sometimes compare your weak points to people's strongest points. When it comes to the matter of self-image, people are rarely on the right frequency level.
Most either sell themselves short or have an overinflated ego. It’s either they are looking down on their abilities, or they are comparing their achievements to the achievement of those below them. Egotistic people love to compare their successes to the failures of others.
Then there are those on the other end of the spectrum who just can’t help but see how much they suck at everything. Both of these are dangerous habits. In the process of self-degradation, you tend to overlook the fact that everyone has shortcomings.
Everyone makes mistakes. Most times you may not even know about these things, because nobody loves to put their dirty linen out in public. This makes it harder to acknowledge they exist, because, as the saying goes ‘you never know.’
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