Update: got dragged into comments section. Yuck. One of the reason for the demise of the blogosphere (mine was a late entry, when the decline had started) is that comment sections are terrible.

(Comments on my blog are sparse which is good. I get good feedback, not many loons.)
Case in point: one commenter at Seeking Alpha regurgitates a random sampling of Fed history on every one of my posts. (I think it’s different each time.)

On Twitter, if they tried that, they’d either get ethered by my followers and give up, or I just bring out the block hammer.
However, I actually ran into one commenter today who was arguably curious about MMT (but with a negative bias). Most tweets/comments I see are those who have made up their mind, and offer condescending comments about socialism (Weimar came up once as well).
Update: The anonymous commenter admitted what was obvious: the issue is not MMT as a theory, rather its usefulness to “socialists.”

Note that my article was posted on is “Seeking Alpha,” and not “Seeking the Republican Party Platform,” where that attitude might might make sense.
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