While we are on the subject of intersectionality can we stop using the term "blind playthrough" - it is steeped in ableism and it is just as easy to say "first playthrough" which also implies that all the content is new to you.

Avoiding ableist language:

@Twitch maybe you could lead by example and remove this from your stream tags?
I wanted to further clarify this since a number of people in the comments have asked.

What does "blind playthrough" imply? It implies that the person playing the game is completely unaware of what is going on, or what could potentially happen to them.
That attaches negative connotations to the word "blind", and folks with visual disabilities, such as ignorance, incompetence, and being oblivious of their surroundings.

Perhaps it is not an overt pejorative, but it does perpetuate casual ableism via microaggression.
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