The Academy, which has constantly ignored the voices of POC (ex: #OscarsSoWhite), chose right now to make an announcement about how the Oscars will be in April instead of February. Who on there PR team thought THIS was the announcement people want to hear from them right now?
They recently addressed how Academy members refused to vote for @ava’s “Selma” because of their public support towards BLM after the death of Eric Garner, but does one apology fix decades of discrimination?
#OscarsSoWhite was in 2015. That’s 5 years for the Academy to make serious changes and acknowledge that the film industry is made up of more than the 5 white actors and directors that are awarded year after year.
This year, there were notable Oscar wins like Taika Waititi being the first Indigenous person to win an Oscar, Parasite for being the first foreign language film to win Best Picture, and Hair Love’s win. But those small wins are outnumbered by how many people have been ignored.
It’s hard to forget how Cynthia Eviro was the only Black actor nominated across all acting categories. And these instances where the Academy has turned a blind eye hasn’t only happened within the past 5 years since #OscarsSoWhite, this has been a pattern since 1929.
In the past 91 years, only 19 awards in the acting category have been given to a Black actor or actress. They had almost a century (!!!!) to make a change.
And this is not a debate about ”oh so we’re supposed to give awards based on race now?” No, but if Academy members aren’t voting for something because of race or because of something like what happened with “Selma,” then that is a major problem that needs to be addressed
A HUGE part of it is casting as well. Why are so many Black men and women only nominated for an Oscar when they’re playing the role of a slave? Why do we keep casting the same 3 white women (I’m looking @ you ScarJo) to play the same roles?
You can’t tell me that there are no Black actresses who could do the same, if not better job as a white woman in an acting role. The entertainment industry does not provide equal opportunity to POC as it does to white people and you can tell by looking @ who is being cast.
As a fan of romcoms, why is it that the leads are always a white man and woman. While these movies are designed to basically be all the same, we need to draw a line somewhere. There are only a handful where these conventions have been challenged (ex The Lovebirds w/ Issa Rae)
This is a long winded thread and I got off track from the Academy’s announcement, but things need to change! They needed to change since the industry began.
Research this shit, because if you just watch shows or movies without questioning why it is that characters were made the way they were or why certain actors were casted over others, then you’re just letting the industry brainwash you into being narrow minded
That was a long thread, but if people have thoughts on this please talk to me because I love the entertainment industry but it is fucked up and this generation of creatives will be the ones to turn things around for the better
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