So what happens when Trump repeatedly denouces #WhiteSupremacy over and over and over....
The leftists have demanded Trump denouce #WhiteSupremacy repeatedly and he has done so repeatedly on video for all to see.....i mean what more does one want??

But I get it... @taylorswift13 is trying not to be canceled by the cancel culture of Twitter.
So Trump signed a resolution condemning #WhiteSupremacy in 2017 by #Congress but I wonder if @taylorswift13 knows this???
Trump called David Duke a bad guy back in 2000....20 yrs ago...(video is time stamped)
Repeatedly over and over and over and over again disavowing #WhiteSupremacy as the far leftists have demanded of him
Now @taylorswift13 says we have to "retroactively change the status of people who perpetuated hideous patterns of racism" which this will have to include her own #Democrat party and #RobertCByrd
Its said that #RobertCByrd was a Recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan while in his 20s and 30s. And so as @taylorswift13 suggested of bad people....he has to be retroactively condemned and listed as a very bad guy.
But that puts @taylorswift13 s #Democratic side in a bad light, because Clinton, Biden, and the Democrat party have praised #RobertCByrd

But hes got to be retroactively be remembered as a bad guy as he was apart of the KKK in his 20s/30s.
So that probably means @taylorswift13 needs to call put the Clintons, Biden, and the rest of the #Democrat party for supporting/praising such a retroactively bad man who was in the KKK as she had done so of Trump.
Though Trump has repeatedly denounced the KKK and White supremacy on video repeatedly multiple times. Has @taylorswift13 demanded the same of Biden yet??
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