Media of all forms is designed to produce emotion and shape opinion. That was more difficult to achieve prior to social media.

Social media was presented as a method to provide a global connection, to empower people with a voice, to share ideas and thoughts.
Over time they have provided a toolset for empowerment and convenience. We praised the innovation and willingly signed away our most valuable asset.

They quietly mined our data while we became more and more dependent on their tools.
They took our data and weaponized it against us. They developed algorithms that learn from our data.

Just like any marketing campaign, the goal is influence and manipulation. But most marketing campaigns are about products. This campaign is about control.
Social media is an unofficial unified record system for individuals and businesses to be tracked and evaluated for adhering to society's standards.

Who's setting those standards? Who's deciding what is acceptable? The users think they are but we know that's not true.
Social media is our unofficial social credit system in America.

We are under the illusion that we have freedom.

What happens when you aren't allowed to travel, work, go to school?
Dissidents are already blacklisted. They're de-platformed, fired, and expelled. Individuals and companies are encouraging this and cheering it on as though it's something to be proud of. As if it's progress.
By the time the majority realize what they've really created will it be too late to stop it? Is it too late to stop it now?
it's worth noting this is from ten years ago and yeh unfortunately we failed
What are filter bubbles and who controls them 1/4
What are filter bubbles and who controls them 2/4
What are filter bubbles and who controls them 3/4
What are filter bubbles and who controls them 4/4
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