honestly thinking about posting the shit that goes on at sva. kinda feel like itā€™s our turn now šŸ¤”
gonna start by addressing any potential black under/post grad students looking to go here. only 4% of students attending are black, and boy does it show
there were 2 separate incidents of offense made on a board meant to showcase black creators
this happened back in February
when notified of what happened, while there was a written response there was no action taken to find or discipline the person who wrote it
nothing has been done since then
this also only refers to the n-word incident, there was no public statement on the first picture
there are many stories of preferential/discriminatory treatment towards students not only from other students but from teachers as well
which shouldnā€™t be too surprising considering the levels of diversity for both
I have personally experienced another student yelling at me over holding them accountable for their lack of participation. i didnā€™t receive any acknowledgement about how wrong that was until I reached out to that teacher even though she was there to witness it
there have been situations like this, and far worse, that are allowed to happen because of the lack of direct action that people in higher positions at the school take, but racism is not the only problem the school refuses to tackle
I canā€™t speak for other departments, but there is a KNOWN predator lurking in mine. they have refused to fire him time and again, even WITH evidence and testimony
and heā€™s partly the reason I even started this thread
https://twitter.com/blusktchydoodls/status/1272584885664964611?s=21 https://twitter.com/blusktchydoodls/status/1272584885664964611
any attempt remove abusers, or speak out about them publically is either met with a lawsuit, or social estrangement. to even bring it up to HR is a non starter because that office has its OWN PROBLEMS
the article I posted earlier was even downsized due to the threat of a lawsuit
again...a known abuser
https://twitter.com/marykarberg/status/1272568215940423680?s=21 https://twitter.com/MaryKarberg/status/1272568215940423680
SVA is allowed to get away with this due to how it actively pushes out students with not only harassment but itā€™s tuition as well. the cost continues to skyrocket with no transparency as to why
sva pays a lot of lip service to diversity and inclusion without doing the work. there can be no diversity in thought/art when you continue to reject and dishearten people who canā€™t afford your expensive fees
nothing fundamental changes without restructuring the cost of admission
the cherry on top of this whole thread is that there is currently a one year no hire/no fire policy in place due to COVID 19. meaning that students are likely stuck with terrible faculty for AT LEAST another year.
good faculty members have quit due to the stress of working in a barely functioning school while terrible faculty members are allowed to fester. attempts at removals of ineffectual teachers have only resulted in them being pushed to other departments
i encourage anyone to share their experiences with the school. too much has been swept under the rug and theyā€™ll only change once their reputation is on the line
okay, student worker time. like the previous tweets mention, sva is STINGY when it comes to paying us. I, and everyone else, had to wait almost 2 and a half months to be paid for being orientation leaders
when it came to my year long job. I was being payed in two one semester installments of a $1000 GRANT, not a paycheck. this was paid at the END of each semester. this was unsustainable and when combined with the OL situation.....šŸ˜… a bitch was broke
i also did the math then, and found out I was being UNDERPAID for the hours I was supposed to put in. oh and if I quit/was fired in the middle of the semester, I wouldnā€™t see ANY of that money
this was in the contract that I signed because I was desperate for employment. this sort of practice is prevalent in all situations involving finances at this school. and needless to say, I did not resume my position
itā€™s important to see how this toxic culture seeps into the student body
https://twitter.com/theyankeeartist/status/1272609442140487682?s=21 https://twitter.com/theyankeeartist/status/1272609442140487682
a thread on one my friendā€™s experiences while dealing with a chronic illness at this school
https://twitter.com/marykarberg/status/1272599156029190144?s=21 https://twitter.com/MaryKarberg/status/1272599156029190144
creepy behavior doesnā€™t stop at the faculty
https://twitter.com/capt_kodak/status/1272622538351349765?s=21 https://twitter.com/capt_kodak/status/1272622538351349765
more about creepy student behavior. this blog was set up before i attended this school. iā€™ve talked about it here before but itā€™s still relevant since it hasnā€™t been deleted
tw // bodily fluids
tw // bodily fluids
adding to the previous tweet, and iā€™m not sure if other schools do this, but after the 1st week of each semester (this used to be after 2 weeks but they whittled it down to 1 with no student input) you have to pay $100 to switch out of classes
now that the initial fervor has died down a bit, i will say that there are plans being worked out in the background. i canā€™t say anything else now, but there are demands and calls for change that will hopefully be implemented soon
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