🌿✨Plant Care 101: Tha Basics Blueprint (a thread to help you hone in on how to provide the ideal conditions for your plant babies):
🌿✨LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. I place tons of emphasis here. In order for your plant to acclimate, you must put it in a place where it can grow and thrive, successfully. Research what type of LIGHT requirements your plant needs and WHERE in your home ...
you can duplicate those needs. For example, my pothos & croton lovers ... these babies LOVE bright, direct sunlight. So, I place them on a table that is very close to a window that gets this light. There are always exceptions, but let’s keep it top-level here.
🌿✨WATER WITH CARE: All plants are not equal when it comes to watering and the type of water they enjoy. A basic rule of thumb: 1. Figure out if your plant likes dry/moist soil. 🌿2. Does your plant like to go extended periods without water? 🌿3. Test moisture levels by ...
sticking your finger in the plant’s soil and keep going until the soil hits your knuckle. 🌿Is the soil dry? Bone dry? Is the planter itself LIGHT in weight? It’s time to water. 💦🌿Is the soil relatively moist/wet/soaking? Is there soil stuck to your finger? Your plant is okay!
🌿✨PRUNING ENCOURAGES GROWTH: Despite popular opinion, pruning or trimming your plants can signal her to start growing more foliage/fruit/veggies. Take care to slowly, intentionally trim your plants to let her know that you are HELPING not HINDERING.
🌿✨For instance, when you see your plant’s foliage yellowing, it is not always associated with your care regimen. Older leaves yellow, turn brown or crunchy and it just means she is telling you, “Sis, I just want to remove myself so new growth can happen.” Prune and be happy!
🌿✨You knew it was coming ... plant your baby in the RIGHT POT! Yes, drainage holes are so important (especially when you are starting on your journey). There are some plants who love having WET feet and others hmmm ... not so much! So keep these things in mind when you POT:
1. If you are transplanting/repotting your plant only go 1-2 sizes bigger than the pot your baby is already in. You don’t want to stress your plant roots. Just imagine, if you have a tiny plant baby in a HUGE planter, think about how hard your roots will have to fight to get H2O
2. When watering your plant, GO SLOW. Encourage the soil and roots to absorb water before it starts to drain at the bottom.

3. Get you a pot with drainage holes and save yourself from root rot and huge headaches (and even take out the guesswork from from watering).
🌿✨Staking 101: How to Stake Your Plant Babies (Without Stressing Them) ❤️
🌿✨First things first ... let’s identity when a plant needs staking. If you have a plant that droops to no end, a plant that has a broken stake (don’t throw it away the plant can repair itself) or a large plant with huge foliage ... you need to stake it (safely).
🌿✨Now the first thing you want in hand are wooden stakes (or plastic stakes/tent stakes), staking ties or these flexible/soft zip ties that can be used for staking.
🌿✨Insert your stake as close to the plant’s base as possible. And gently, take your largest/tallest/dropping plants and place them up against the stake and gently tie in place with your ties. Don’t tie to tightly or you may damage your plant or it could begin to grow ackwardly.
🌿✨Keep in mind, all parts of your plant do not need to be staked. For instance, my shorter leaves/stalks are chilling until I see if they can handle growing without support. If not, I will add another stake.
🌿Also, staking is not always necessary only if your plants have some of the following symptoms I shared in the first tweet of this thread. Questions? How can I help?
🌿✨🧖🏾‍♀️Humidity Loving Plants That Will THRIVE in Your Bathroom/Shower Area [a dope thread]:
🌿❤️Here’s a beautiful, much needed disclaimer. Not all bathrooms or shower areas are considered equal. If you have a window that gets bright, indirect light; or a shower that has a built in or a shower shelf attachment ... these you have the perfect area for some/most of them.
1. Caladiums: these can be tricky little somethings that truly enjoy humidity, moist soil & consitent warm temperatures. And a bathroom can fulfill this. Keep in mind these babies love bright, indirect light.
2. Peace Lilies: are great bathroom candidates. Not only are they superior air purifiers, but these babies also enjoy a humid, moist environment. Please remember, if you do not have the bright, indirect light this baby needs in your bathroom, invest in a grow light.
3. Bromeliads: Tropical beauties that enjoy bright, indirect light & moist soil. This baby would benefit from a bathroom jungle situation. You could also try her in the shower, proped on a shelf so her central cups can catch some water (if you have a filtered water head).
4. Boston Ferns: love water and tons of humidity. This sister girl would loveeeeeee a shower environment, just pay attention to the water temperature.
5. Prayer Plants/Peacock Plants: These babies will do fanatastic in the bathroom (not so much in the shower). As much as she love sitting next to a humidifier and being spritzed every now and then, she doesn’t like for water to sit on her foliage for too long.
6. English Ivy: One of my favorite plants! The perfect candidate for the bathroom and shower! I mean ... you need one!
7. Lucky Bamboo: A pretty chill plant that can grow in a bathroom as long as you provide enough bright, filtered light.
8. Air Plants: Another low key, chill plant that enjoys to be humid and spritzed from time to time. She would do amazing in a glass bowl in the bathroom.
9. ZZ plant: Fun fact, I named my ZZ Zoya ❤️Not only can she thrive in low light situations, but her soil only needs to be watered when it’s dry. Like most plants she would enjoy the humidity you bathroom can produce.
10. Spider Plants: Would do amazing in bathroom that gets bright, indirect light or if you replace your vanity lights for grow lights ❤️
✨🌿And finally ... my newest pride and joy: 11. Nerve Plant 🌿She is an excellent choice for your bathroom, which is also where my baby is located and sitting pretty!
🌿✨Composting 101: Level Up Yah Plants’ Nutrition & Health ❤️
🌿✨Another lovely disclosure before we get into today’s lesson: Compost should never STINK. It should smell rich & healthy like a forest floor (or fresh dirt). In the event your pile starts to smell, then there are ways to FIX & REVERSE it. Please, do not throw your pile away.
🌿❤️Before we get into recommendations, here are some tips for those who are composting and need help reversing/fixing a stinky pile:
1. Your pile may smell b/c of too much organic (or green) materials (fruit/veggie scraps); sopping wet materials like grass clippings or really wet dead leaves. Your brown (paper/eggshells) to green matter ratio should be 50/50. Create a balanced environment.
2. To fix the smell and create more balance, I suggest adding more BROWN, shredded matter to your pile: ✨Which can include: non-glassy brown paper bags, newspaper, printer paper, coffee filters and even paper eggshell cartons.✨This matter should be shredded finely.
3. Your pile may also smell because it is ... WAY TO WET! Watering your compost is essential to help break down your organic matter. But if it is too wet, she can start to smell foul. Add more brown matter to help soak up the dampness. You will see a change in smell in 2-3 weeks.
🌿✨Now, let’s get into what you will need to start a successful compost pile: Invest in a galvanized metal trash can (and drill holes on the bottom and sides—-we need oxygen) ✨OR✨(what I have) a tumbling compost container, that I turn everyday to help AERATE my pile.
🌿❤️TURNING & AERATING your pile will generate HEAT, mix old & new compost matter from the top and bottom that will encourage your pile to breakdown faster. If you just let your pile sit, you will be waiting MONTHS before it breaks down for use.
🌿✨Now, what you’ve been waiting for: “Chakayla, what can I put in my compost?” ✨Here are my recommended ingredients that I use:
fruit scraps
veggie scraps
coffee grounds
coffee filters
non-glossy brown paper bags
printer paper
human hair (shed hair)
egg shells
paper egg shell cartons
dried herbs (rosemary & sage encourage compost piles to break down quicker) ...
H2O (water your compost, keep her moist) —remember she is alive just like your plants
uninfected plant parts
dead-headed flower parts
dried leaves
grass clippings (only if grass isn’t treated with chemicals)
spent tea leaves
pine needles
🌿✨🌻Make sure your compost pile stays moist. If she is try, she will be unable to break down and provide rich, organic matter. Aerate, water ... and turn! Remember this.
🌿✨🥦Now you’re wondering: How do I use my compost? ✨Well, if you garden this is a fantastic grow medium. Mix some compost into your soil to help start seeds; provide nutrition to existing crops/food. ✨You can steep a few handfuls of compost in water, strain and make compost..
tea. ✨Use compost tea to water/fertilize your crops. Be careful when adding compost and compost tea to your indoor plants ... they may attract pests.
🌿✨Was this compost thread helpful? Did you learn something new?
🌿✨Chakayla’s Urban Oasis: a list of all the houseplants (excluding herbs & crops):
🌻✨You know me! I love a good disclosure. All of these plants I have been collecting and caring for the past year and a half. Many of them have been acquired this spring season. My goal is to have a home full of plant life. Please use this list as inspiration for your jungles.
🌿✨Eucalyptus, Aloe, English Ivy, Boston Fern, White Butterfly Arrowhead, Monstera Deliciosa, Snake Plant, Hosta, Pothos (neon, golden, silver Ann & silver Satin), Crotons (mini & large varieties), Fiddle leaf fig, Purple Waffle, Prayer Plant 🌿❤️...
🌿✨Cucumber succulent, cactus, multiple succulent varieties, bromeliad, orchid, polka dot plant, nerve plant, ZZ plant, peace lily, spider plant, lucky bamboo, caladiums, dipladenia, rubber plant, Chinese evergreens, air plants andddddd 1 beautiful, gorgeous peperomia ❤️
🌵✨Cheap & Easy Plant Tutorial: DIY Dollar Store Moss Pole
🌵✨Here are all the items you will need:
Step 1: Remove toy and discard the foam piece attached to it.
🌿✨Stretch out your Spanish moss, to the length of your plastic pole.
🌿✨Insert pole into Spanish moss.
🌿✨Scrunch Moss & use floral wire to secure moss in place. Wrap from the top, middle and end of the plastic pole. Be sure to secure the top where your wire begins and the end where your wire ends.
🌿✨❤️Your was product! Stay tuned I teach you how to stake a Golden pothos.
🌿✨Gently secure foliage that is long enough to fit on your moss pole. Never force your stems, you will cause them too much stress. Secure with floral ties.
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