Hey everyone! My name’s Evan aka @LevineRx & I’m talking over #twitteristorian to tell you about the #archaeology of #Greece’s Cycladic islands! I just docked on #Naxos for 2 weeks of fieldwork, so you’ll be getting it from the source! But today’s #thread is for introductions 1/7
I’m a grad student in archaeology at @BrownUniversity, where I use intensive survey, satellite remote sensing, and spatial analysis to study settlement change in rural landscapes over the long term. I do most of my work in #Greece, but I work all over the E Mediterranean ~el 2/7
I got started on the archaeology of agricultural landscapes by working on the Mazi Archaeological Project, just north of Athens, before graduate school. This fruitful mountain valley was the rather contentious borderland between Attica and its neighbor Boeotia ~el 3/7
I also work at the amazing site of #Petra, where our team from @brownarchaeolog is documenting the agricultural infrastructure that allowed this city to flourish in the Nabataean and Roman periods! ~el 3/7
Outside of the Mediterranean, I work at the Egyptian fortress of Uronarti in Sudan. We’re excavating the incredible 4,000yo fortress & surveying the surrounding landscape to better understand the social implications of the site. Check it out here: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/uronarti-regional-archaeological-project-second-cataract-fortresses-and-the-western-desert-of-sudan/E26AB262D6EF7132C7B41C17F71FEB79
I spent this past year as a fellow at the @ASCSAthens, where—in addition to my research, I swear—my colleagues & I traveled extensively through the country, visiting hundreds of archaeological sites, scores of museums, all while hiking close to 1,000km! ~el 5/7
But this week is all about the Cyclades! I’m on Naxos now for my own work, but we will soon begin the 2nd season of the @NorwInst’s Small Cycladic Islands Project: a survey of uninhabited Aegean islands, which play much larger roles in human history than you might think! ~el 6/7
I’ve got a great week planned for @Tweetistorian, using my travels on Naxos to talk Cycladic #archaeology! Tomorrow I’ll report on our 1st field season on Paros to answer “how do you even survey these things & why bother?” Then I’ll move thematically, stay tuned! ~el 7/7