As a tragic incident shocked everyone. I decided to write something more shocking I observed via his insta profile. There is more to the things than it actually appears to people.
Spare a minute before saying it "coward act" or "mental illness".
His every post, his every hashtag had a meaning, why people ignored that! wish I visited it earlier. He was very fond of astronomy, universe, moon, physics, infinity and beyond life. Can't deny afterlife.

Sharing some,
Like #buddhabrot it run on Mandelbrot set which has a definite formula. It depicts the meditation position of Lord Buddha. Connecting it to infinity. There are buddhabrot tattoos too.
Second #panpsychism
It is described as a theory that "the mind is a fundamental feature of the world which exists throughout the universe". You can trade aura spectrums with it.
Also #DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) which is a hallucinogen, also known as "spirit molecule", Hollywood made a documentary movie over it by Mitch Schultz based on Dr. Rick Strassman book.
SSR was clearly into connecting life with infinity and universe.
A post where he clearly said "parallel between eastern religion and western science". Guess he was middling between two. No doubt most things that forms the basic physics is already mentioned in our ancient science.
And everyone has their area of interest, to explore.
A post for Brahma, life creator in hinduism. A poem..
A frequent quote "I got up today and looked at myself through your eyes, and looked back at you and everything I understood I was.."
2nd pic about #darkenergy
Never the last, but his last post for mother, "negotiating between the two".
Can't deny, may be he was connecting his mom via some dark energy or something not natural, but spiritual.!!!
But one thing was clear from he was brilliant person, few things not all seek or understand. He was calm and intelligent, just differently intelligent.
This too coz lonely. If he was not, one may forget things and get busy in work and start finding happiness in that.
There is always collective reasons to take any step in life.

In contrary he would not have taken this step if he didn't believe in universe and afterlife?! Why not
He also shooted for a movie about moon in NASA, and one more " paani" for which he dedicated 2 years. But makers decided to go busy with Dhoom3 and Thugs of Hindostan projects, so SSR movies got halted and no sign to complete movie. Things addon.
It's just that please don't demean his departure with "coward act" or "mental illness" either.

He never halted. He left engineering for acting, & probably he left acting to explore something more.

We don't believe.
But there are always certain things we can never understand.
It was literally his side of the moon. 💔
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