fyi BOB MORLEY is a sick man, he showed up to set just to watch two of his female co-workers make out, is an ableist (made rude tweets of disabled people & intellectually challenged people), cheated on his gf and played the victim when was called out for his ignorant BLM tweets.
receipts of bob sexualizing Clexa
devon called raven the show's "forest gump". he deleted it but bob defended him and was rude, ignorant and condescending to the fans who tried educating him. he never apologized for his ableism.
receipts of bob making fun of people with speaking difficulties (tweet is still up. comments filled with ppl calling him ableist) he came back a day later and excused his own ableism by saying he was as a little tired instead of apologizing for real and deleting his tweet.
by the way, bob also liked this tweet mocking Tasya and pitting her, Arryn and Eliza against each other (so much for be well be kind) and validating his fans' hatred towards Tasya. he unliked it after a few minutes after people called him out.
another reason bob morley is problematic - he cancels conventions so often to attend others or for no reason, not caring about the fans or con organizers. starfury and many others confirmed it.
and ofc, the vague tweets about BLM and the protests, making it about himself and not even using the hashtag.. and when he was called out for his ignorance, he got defensive, spoke over black voices, didn't apologize & decided to "stay in his lane" (a tweet which is now deleted)
for the people saying bob morley sexualizing elycia/clexa was taken out of context - here's video proof
you can hear him saying it and lindsey saying it. it might be a joke to him but many wlw fans felt uncomfortable and were offended and have every right to be.
thread of arryn (his ex girlfriend) exposing bob for many shitty things he's done and still doing
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