i don't think people who arent in the shipping spaces part of fandom (you know, where a good chunk of content creators are) understand just why many of us (especially non-white proshippers) are leery of many of the posts going around about wanting to make AO3 and fan spaces
own up on racism because every single way that's been touted so far, that i've seen, is prime to be abused by antishippers/fanpol.

like, it's not an exaggeration seeing as reylos have been accused of racism for preferring that ship over what happened to be canon.
it's one thing to call out racism in fandom, but when the call out also includes "oh and they create/consume *thing that squicks them*" it invalidates their whole post.
(my issue with 90% of callouts on saka/michi/chan in the last 48hrs)

because that's what fanpol is doing rn.
you can't talk about racism in fandom without talking about the co-opting of the term "fujoshi" and weaponizing it against other fans.
because that is just... BLATANTLY RACIST.

no ifs, ands, or buts. using fujoshi as an insult, after being reclaimed by jp fans, is racist.
you can't separate racism in fandom from the bs pro-shippers deal with on the daily (from having racial slurs tossed at us to our identities being rewritten by fanpol trying to paint us as all white, straight women).
any "fix" to ao3's racism problem is going to have to address this.
it can't just be "oh, add a tag for it" when people who recognize racism may or does occur in their work *tags for racism already* (same with ableist language, transphobia, etc).
the people who don't tag? they generally fall into three camps: either they don't recognize the issue (which is a problem), recognize it but don't tag for it because they've been attacked in the past (which is a problem), or chose not to add warnings/"dead dove do not eat"
(which i dislike but technically, they warned for it so not quite a problem, just not to my taste)

fanpol already abuse the report sys to try and take down fics they find morally reprehensible, in spite of tags, going as far as to target people who tag their shit appropriately
just adding on an additional avenue is not going to make fandom a better place and will, in fact, make it so much more hostile for many people who ARE fans of color like me.

racism in fanspaces cannot end without addressing how race has been used against us, point blank.
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