I’m going on a horror movie watching binge on prime so I’m gonna make a thread of the ones I watch that I enjoyed, for people to peruse and watch too if they choose to ✌🏻
This was... interesting. I still don’t understand the storyline fully but it was still worth the watch.

You’ll need subtitles for this one as it’s in Swedish.
WATCH THIS. And then watch it again. Holy shit.
Well.... this one was disappointing. I expected a lot more suspense and paranormal shit. Not really worth watching tbh.
Oh this was fucking brilliant. The way this was paced out and kept you hooked right until the end was incredible. And it was all through the view of the house door camera. I really enjoyed this one.
Oh. My. God. This was a bloody good one too!! Very spoopy.
I literally have no words for this. It started slow and I went into it having not the highest of expectations but when it finally picked up pace and got to the main horror, holy shit. The final sequence LITERALLY made my jaw drop. That was INSANE.

(Also, tw // rape in one scene)
Finally adding to this thread again; this was pretty damn creepy. Was not prepared for the ending at all. I’m fairly certain there’s a sequel to this; if so I’ll be watching that and adding it here.
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