tw: mention of rape

honestly it really boils down to the interpretation of the story of Lut narrated in the Quran (as this is the basis for anti-lgbt sentiments/legislation/socialization/etc in muslim countries)

my thoughts:
if you ask an anti-lgbt muslim why they’re anti-lgbt they’ll say “because it’s haram to be gay!!”

ask them why it’s haram to be gay and they’ll say “because that’s what the Quran says!!”

but is it what the Quran says? 🤔 let’s look at the material
first and foremost, in order for something to be categorized as haram (forbidden), it must be CLEARLY and EXPLICITLY stated as such in the Quran

just because something doesn’t align with your cultural understanding of Islam doesn’t make it haram 💁‍♀️
being gay isn’t even mentioned let alone prohibited. it’s only IMPLIED as such based on ~scholarly~ interpretations

so if the Quran doesn’t clearly nor explicitly prohibit lgbt relationships, any hadith or laws that do are inconsistent with the teachings of the Quran 🤧
the verses used to imply that being gay is prohibited are in relation to the parable of prophet Lut (pbuh) and the people of Sodom

the verses (27:56, 29:30) are too ambiguous to definitively claim that “homosexuality” was the reason they were punished
the people of Sodom:

•raped foreigners/travelers
•subjected others to coersive sex (Babylonian ritual offering)
•hoarded their wealth
•rejected prophet Lut
•practiced polytheism
•had consensual same-sex relations

🤔one of these things is not like the others
my reading has led me to conclude that they were punished for their history of abuse/exploitation outlined above, and the last straw was them trying to force themselves onto prophet Lut’s male guests (attempted rape!!) and that’s why the city was destroyed the next morning
in conclusion, be gay d̶o̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ don’t do crimes
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