Either stand for something, or sit for nothing – a photo glimpse at the growing divide between two Americas.

Photo #thread ✊🏿✊🏽✊🏻
There were two rallies here in #Temecula yesterday: one, a pro-Trump/Police rally by the Promenade Mall, and the other, a #BlackLivesMatter protest at the Temecula Pond, just 1.8 miles up the road, and infamous for being a location of local political activism.
Similar in size yet completely opposite in every other sense, both groups made their presence known in two very different ways, for two very different reasons.
Walking into either group, one could quickly see the staunch differences between the two sets of protests. What they were saying and how they were saying brought two entirely opposite energies to the corners which they held.
Where the Trump group projected an ideation of patriotism while dawning made-in-China Red, White, and blue flags bought at Walmart, the #BLM group created signs of solidarity on cardboard and paper reading “ #ICantBreathe”, echoing the last words of #GeorgeFloyd.
The energy of the MAGA-clad gramps & grannies felt similar to a tailgate party. Outside of telling “God Bless the Police,” I never picked up on their purpose outside of blind patriotism in the 45-minutes I observed them.
Up the street though, those who took the four-corners of Ynez & Rancho California in the name of Black Solidarity, had a clear agenda: Justice for George, and for those slain at the hands of unjust police.
Those driving by either site had their own remarks to express, too. While both groups were met with a plethora of horns & honks from the street, those on the Trump-site were oft followed up with some salty iteration of “Fuck your President.”
Back at the Pond though, the a never-ceasing barrage of car horns were paired with fists thrown up through the sunroof, or passengers holding their own signs of solidarity out the windows as they drove by, cheering the protestors on.
We are seeing surge of similar groups pop up on the corner of Main Street’s all across the country, and both groups have something to say. There is a growing divide between what it means to “Be A Patriot” in America, and it’s as clear and present here in Temecula as anywhere.
While one group sits in the shade of their American flags, celebrating the status quo, the other is taking to the streets demanding change, saying “this ain’t good enough!”
By sheer observation one can see Peggy & Bruce sitting comfortably behind a line of police, while the brothers and sisters of George link arms in defiance of those same oppressive militarized forces, standing their ground united in the fight for equality.
Its clear to see what BLM fights for, but I struggle to see an inkling of an argument for what these MAGA folks believe in. While one side is stuck on a false version of what America once was, the youthful voice of the other side has a vision for what America can become.
While BLM brings plans of systemic change demanding justice for those who were taken before their time, MAGA is still beating the Benghazi war drum, demanding nothing, whilst cutting off their own ears to avoid hearing a better idea.
Dawning signs with demands to open America, with not a mask in sight, it’s clear that those on the Trump corner have dug deep into the trenches of selfish conspiracy, and left their hearts well outside that hole.
Back at the Pond though, there was a sense of understanding that while this movement is wholly necessary, and the only way to accomplish our goals is to take to the streets, we are still in the midst of a global pandemic.
While team Trump can muster up a few dozen people once month, there are some who every day dedicate all of their available time to make sure #GeorgeFloyd’s voice will be heard by all, and have claimed a permanent place in this chapter of history under #BlackLivesMatter .
This movement is comprised of people from all corners of this nation. We are every age, every gender, every system of belief. We are going to continue to protest until we come out the other side of this as victors.

Clearly, #ThisIsAmerica.
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