Alright so I’ve watched 19 seasons of The Simpsons

And people talk about when it started getting bad

I think Season 7 was its primetime
Season 8-18 they started relying on pop culture and ignorance (I.e transphobia, I mean it’s always been fatphobic etc.)

Then season 19...
Granted, The Simpsons movie came out around the same time and that was interesting.

Hmmmm. Yeah I prefer Bob’s Burgers🥰
Yet I'm still watching season 21.


"Episode 10, Once Upon A Time In Springfield"
Anyway they need younger people on the writing team. I see you're trying to keep up with Gen Z but eh, it's not going very well.

They are doing sweeter stories lines (apart from the episode in which Homer thinks Bart's friends mum is a terrorist.... yeah)
If you haven’t noticed, I am still trying to watch all 31 episodes of The Simpsons, we’re on Season 24.

Ooo this is hard though 😭 The writing has CRASHED into the pits of hell. The only compliment I have is that it physically it looks good.
And they should have just made the radical decision to age up the kids. Because they’re trying to make the kids have adult jokes, but they’re not adults.

But maybe the more radical decision would be putting it in the bin

These "fake" Republican PSAs.


We've made it to Season 25.

How did I get here? I don't know. Season 24 was BORING. This doesn't look any better.

Basically the issue with this is it's written by middle aged cis-white men who think they are the pillars of society.

Oh dear god, you hate coloured people WE GET IT!!!!🙃
Themes The Simpsons are fond of:

Republican shit (I think Obama was Pres, so it was funny???)
Middle Aged Men who don't like young people.
Okay I will give them a slither of credit.

S25 Ep9 is kinda funny. The premise is, Homer decides to pirate movies and then the FBI arrest him then put him on trail.

They got the formula right with this one.
Also put Paul Rudd in everything.
No we're back to the shit show, I spoke too soon.

The voices in The Simpsons are overtly racist. The fatphobia is rife.
Nawww the Edna tribute. She was one of my favourite characters.
Also Daniel Radcliffe can do a MONOLOGUE. I dunno why I’m impressed but I’m impressed 😭
Okay this is always part of my theory that they’re making Bart depressed is... a choice that was made.

And this mental illness episode 🙃 CHOICES WERE MADE
We made it to Season 26....

Ngl, Season 25 actually got slightly better. Yes Bart left his best friend to get beat up but also LEGO EPISODE!
I have another idea that the Simpsons should just stick to skits. Like make their episodes online exclusive and do 10 minute skits

Because the shorts at the end are actually very funny.

Jesus: “Urgh God, I mean you”😂😭
I still say that the Disney shade is weird as I’m watching this on Disney plus.

It’s actually a bit accurate too.
Also when I feel like risking my life, I might do a shot every time there’s a racist, misogynist or just ignorant joke 😭
Recycling jokes 🙄 I get it, Season 26. But come on, get new writers
Wait so Homer is sacrificing himself to aliens and everyone is okay with it?
So we're nearly finished Season 27.

Lena Dunhum was in one episode. It's the episode in which Homer dates a younger girl and Marge dates her dad. It doesn't have a definite ending. It's clunky and ridiculous

But as soon as I saw her name, I expected nothing less
the fact that you are doing stories about how Millennials, Gen X etc. respond to culture/stereotypes and there's a WHITE MAN playing Apu.

Whew this show.
Drake, really?
So in S27 EP21 - They do a 4 minute improv when the guy takes topics that people send in and he just riffs off it.

Ngl, it wasn't the funniest, but it worked.

And the next episode, the couch gag is an IKEA thing. It's funny.

I think they should do shorts (and cancel the show)
I can't believe I've almost finished though.

I have TRULY wasted my time.
How many episodes have you watched of The Simpsons this lockdown ?

............ this show has officially lost it.
However Lisa’s new hair is cute.
Taking this piss out of the Hindu religion, a white man voiced the character....

Police brutality as a joke (non-ironically)....

This show man
They have added in a random short in the middle of the episode with Maggie and I think they’re gonna stick with the shorts like this.

They should because they’re fun.
They brought back the pig. They’re redoing a story from THAT movie omg🥴
Redoing a S4 episode... as a “part 2”

You know what would have been cool. To draw the old format, and make it consistent😭

I dunno, missed opportunity.
They had a subtitle saying The Simpsons is gonna be on until S52 and be no.1 in the country.

Trolling. You’re trolling me at this point.
The coach gags are actually cute❤️
They got niggas to do the episodes for the episodes with Black people, I don’t know how I know this but I do.

(Also, this came out before The Last Dance, but it’s like it)
Transphobia is still rife in this show. So are jokes about rape.

Season twenty eight....

(My fam is going off but it’s HOT)
Next episode: euthanasia...

I cannot make this up🥴
You misused Jennifer Saunders for THIS episode.
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