Picture of Bar Italia ( @TheBaristas), 22 Frith Street, in 1985.
Opened 1949, just few years before the London espresso craze... and certainly the only #Soho espresso bar from this golden age still alive today.
[Image from the London Picture Archive]
And this is how the Bar Italia looked like during its first years (from 1949 to ~1952): this BBC clip shows the "Cafe Bar" frontage the day the London County Council (Sir Robert Renwick) unveiled the John Lodgie Baird plaque to celebrate 25 years of Television. October 26th 1951.
Bellow today's store front (~same as 1952) certainly stands the painted "Cafe Bar 22" letters... and bellow the white background the "Screen Art" sign from John Baird's studios.
[Pix: 1952/53-🇬🇧 PathĂ©; 1951-Daily Herald Arch.; 1950s-Les Enfants Terribles; 1920s-Terra Media Arch.]
This is how the front looks like today (pic from @TheBaristas during the confinement): same "Bar Italia" neon letters as 1952/53, except for the "Espresso Caffe" and contour lights.
The famous clock also stands there since the 50s, when it was working. 😉
Since 1985, the "Italian Restaurant" sign from Bianchi disappeared, as many others from Old Compton corner: Molinari Restaurant (30s), Continental Fruit Store, Jimmy's...
"Alfredo Angelucci" sign was removed in 2014.
The brand still provides its Bar Italia special blend online.
To complete this thread on @TheBaristas and its neon lights (still there on) this 1960 panorama of Frith and Old Compton St showing Bianchi, Bar Italia,"Favorites Across", Angelucci's, Continental & Casino cinema (Greek St corner).
[ext. from BBC clip 1B011617_0047 hold by Getty]
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