The @nytimes still has an opportunity to reclaim its status as a reputable journalistic outlet. The process begins by disclaiming the Pulitzer Prize they received for the fraudulent 1619 Project. Then they publicly distance themselves from the activists who pushed it through.
The @nytimes has been "the Paper of Record" for a long time now, the most established and reputable national daily newspaper in the United States. Trump sought to discredit it as "failing" and a purveyor of "fake news," and now they seem intent on fulfilling his prophesy for him.
The 1619 Project is fake history, literally a revisionist "critical historiography" that has been called to account by many reputable historians as portraying United States history falsely. It arose in the New York Times Magazine, but the @nytimes itself went along.
The 1619 Project isn't the only example of the @nytimes going along with something so misleading and fraudulent, but it is a recent and consequential example that led to them winning a Pulitzer that should never have been awarded and never have been accepted.
There are countless excellent criticisms of the fraudulence of the 1619 Project. Here, you can understand how it isn't even an attempt at history but instead a revisionist Critical historiography meant not to inform but to sow division.
It's a bit ironic that for several years now, the @nytimes has adopted an apparent editorial standard of "if Trump says or does it, it must be wrong," and then they've worked seemingly tirelessly to make his accusations ABOUT THEM come true, including with the 1619 Project.
If I were advising the @nytimes on what to do now -- as I did before they were given the 1619 Pulitzer and was not heeded -- I would tell them to start by disclaiming the 1619 Pulitzer. Give it back. Say it was never deserved and shouldn't have been bestowed make that the record.
The @nytimes should disclaim their 1619 Pulitzer. If they don't, it may take them decades to get their credibility back.
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