How to treat COVID at home?

This thread is for COVID + folks who avoid hospital due to cost/trust/capacity issues

What to take, what to avoid, when to worry, when not to, protecting family etc.

This is general advice; for personal treatment Qs ask your doctor

Let’s start

Use a separate room/bathroom/utensils etc for 14 d

If only one room, divide it with a thick curtain/screen and stay behind it

If only one bathroom, wear face mask before going and wipe all surfaces as best after using toilet

Don’t use steam/nebulizer/cpap in shared room

Home Medications:

Most cases only need paracetamol/ibuprofen - whatever works for you. NO NEED for antibiotics. Record daily temp/breathing rate/pulse/BP if possible

Sleep well. Eat well. Do whatever gives you peace of mind/reduce anxiety

Recovery may take 2-3 weeks

What not to do:

Actemra/plasma/remdesivir are all experimental. Don’t waste your time/money trying to get them

Herbs, sanna makki, zinc etc. are not even being studied. Avoid

We don’t use zithromax/HCQ/ivermectin/vitamins for COVID patients

LESS is MORE. Believe it


Always wear a face mask around others

Most smartphones have a “pulse oximetry app”. Use it. If pulse ox stays below 90 or BP falls below 90 systolic go to hospital/ask your doctor

Patients over 60-65, with high BP, obesity, diabetes etc are at risk. Be safe

Duration of illness:

Recovery may take 2-3 weeks. Remember: If you’re not getting worse, you’re getting better

No need to get a repeat COVID test. Repeating labs tests/CAT scans may not always change outcome

Know that 80-90% patients may recover at home if managed right


If symptoms worsen, immediately call your doctor or go to the hospital

Protect family members by staying away from them. Don’t lose hope or give in.

Have faith. Have patience

Don’t think it’s a punishment from God

Remember in most cases mortality is ~1%

Declaring victory:

End isolation after 14-days of symptom onset AND 3 days of no symptoms (without meds)

Donate plasma

Rejoice! You’ve crossed the bridge and are likely immune. We’re unclear about the duration of immunity

Remember the ordeal. Stay God-fearing/kind/loving

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