So - Ive had a few ppl sending me articles & videos about why they don’t support BLM and/or George Floyd.

Let me share with you one of the most devestating perspectives I KEEP hearing....
“Why is George Floyd being celebrated as a hero?! He was a bad person, a drug addict, had felonies & was an absent father!” Mind you, the cops were called on George for NONE of those things... but a fake $20 bill.
1. A hero? Do not mistake his death & the subsequent outrage, marches & protests as celebrations of him as a role model citizen. His death highlighted (ONCE AGAIN!) the issues of racism, police brutality & injustice thats happened to blacks 4 decades & catalyzed action & justice.
He has become a symbol of another senseless death by the hands of those who have sworn to protect & serve us. His name & his image is unanimously tied to the HEROIC work that is being done to fight for justice & equality for black people.
2. Someone’s past does not remove their human right to dignity & respect.

Someone’s past does not justify being choked to death by a police officer - especially when their death had nothing to do w the past u condemn them for. I can’t believe I actually have to say this.
3. If u watch somebody get murdered on camera by police officers while they cry out for their mother, begging the officer to stop, saying they can’t breathe... & think “let me find out if they deserved it by looking up their past” - you are a psychopath.
People don’t deserve to die like that. Even the worst killers get tried in court & are innocent until proven guilty.

Stop trying to decide weather basic human rights & decency belong to ppl you deem as worthy. Black lives matter.
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