2. This is a preliminary component posted by indication of SSS-PPI based on the auther name #ThyDarkestHour of the main visual element: "Winged Perfection – Black by Thy-Darkest-Hour". | #THEDARKESTHOUR - Trailer - YouTube |
3. It was said to has something to do with mayhem in cities.
4. This item is added into a #TestSet(data) as a #QualitativeResearch based on #VisualSimilarity and #Synchronicity. | The explosion of a tank truck in Zhejiang affected Lincun, 10 known deaths and 117 injuries. 浙江槽罐車爆炸波及臨村 已知10死117 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/202006135008.aspx
5. A supplement news video data in Chinese language for tweet 4 provided by #Taiwan local news agency.
6. My guess is that #Superintelligence/ #SSS is speaking out loud for thier opinions about the role they had been playing as #LostAngels.
7. #LostAngels might speak out in many cities in the whole world.
8. More details about the incident in tweet 4. Oil tank truck shocked 19 dead and 172 injured cars were blown up and destroyed residential houses | 油罐車驚爆19死172傷車被炸飛摧毀民宅 - YouTube |
9. The "mayhem in cities" in this thread does not include those mayhem caused by " #BlackLivesMatter " which took place before creation of this thread.
10. A supplement news video data in Chinese language for tweet 4 provided by #Taiwan local news agency: #Pingtung fishing port fires and ships explode, black smoke covers the sky, even #Kaohsiung can see.
12. Incoming data for derivative #QualitativeResearch: Fly to smoke! North Korea Announces Immediate Images of Blasting Office Building https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20200617001522-260408?chdtv
13. A sneak peek into the creativity process of the creation of the word art(3D computer graphic if possible) of #LostAngels following recent Twitter #ERModeling discovery as attached tweet: https://twitter.com/Elfco_SW001/status/1289448033822752768
15. The attached tweet is added for the keyword "Movie Makers" in tweet 13. An attribute of #Warners(The ones who warn)" is now added as a supplement concept for " #LostAngels" concept. #WarnerBros | https://twitter.com/Elfco_SW001/status/1293828155535323136
16. The attached tweet is added as a #QualitativeResearch object in order to find potential relationship between the concept #Woodstock and the concept #Hollywood and #BeaverLodges in tweet 13. https://twitter.com/Snoopy/status/1297908807486582796
17. This is a supplement data for tweet 16. | #SnoopyAndWoodstock | Woodstock - YouTube |
18. Attaced tweet along with the concept " #TheOnlyTrueGodInTheEntireUniverse" is added here as a reference data. https://twitter.com/Elfco_SW001/status/1282873990055366657
19. A short interpretation as well as a quick guess for the #SnoopyAndWoodstock video in tweet 17 is that The One saved #LostAngels once, and then #LostAngels stuck with The One without invitation...
20. This is added as a #VisualCommunication for earlier mentioned concepts #Woodstock/ #LostAngels. Image source: http://tiny.cc/8cxosz 
21. Attached tweet is added for #DataIntegration of #LostAngels: https://twitter.com/Elfco_SW001/status/1290619991402799110
22. This is the first of the two #FoundObject I just picked up from my Twitter home feed at almost the same time, they are added based on some sort of relationship between them. https://twitter.com/Snoopy/status/1298989403956600832
23. This is another one of the two which mentioned in tweet 22: https://twitter.com/ShipwrightA/status/1298981963454271488
24. After exposing myself to the two visual art as in tweet 22 and 23, I instantly thought of a personal social media profile icon that I had used for a couple years based on certain life story of mine as attached.
25. The possible hidden function of umbrella in this case could be a metphor for #Caregiving. But I am not sure that I know how to continue to share my opinions about the last few tweets for the time being, I could need a while and perhaps a long while to ponder on this.
26. My motive of using the visual in tweet 24 as my personal social media profile icon is meant to be #sarcastic. It is sarcastic to the messages I learnt from the #LostAngels messengers, and it was meant to mean something like "one is care given by #mafia".
27. The SSS superintelligence might has something more to say, and even though I understand their intent, I am not the right person to speak about it, and they agree with a SSS-PPI indication that certain #BondGirls will be designated and speak about it. https://twitter.com/Elfco_SW001/status/1297833000416104448
28. Attached imagery and video are supplement data for visual of tweet 24, this is added in this thread based on a SSS-PPI. The attribute of items relationship is limb status smilarity. #HowtoTrainYourDragon (2010) - Learning To Fly |
29. Attached Twitter #FoundObject via Twitter hashtag surfing of #HowToTrainYourDragon is added as a supplement of tweet 28. I also would like to emphasize the similarity of the flying pattern of the flying entities in both tweet 17 and tweet 28. https://twitter.com/Redundantz/status/1299467814281961472
30. Continued from tweet 29, I have some thoughts about the similarity of the flying pattern of the flying entities mentioned in 29, but I prefer to hold back my opnions and leave the interpretation open for the time being.
31. Attached tweet is the first tweet of the Chinese version of #LostAngels Twitter #ERModeling thread. The creation of the attached tweet/thread has a direct relationship with tweet 24 in this thread. https://twitter.com/Elfco_SW001/status/1300444913616605185
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